
Apr 15, 2015

Every Candidate Needs To Take A Stand On Social Security

     You may not have noticed or cared but Chris Christie is running for President. As a lower tier candidate, Christie feels a need to be bold. He's decided to demonstrate his boldness by campaigning on cutting Social Security by means testing benefits, cutting the cost of living adjustment and raising the retirement age. Michael Hiltzik, at the LA Times finds Christie's plan offensive. So do I, but I'm also delighted that Christie is raising these issues. It will be good to see other candidates reacting to Christie's ideas. The Republican debates in Iowa and New Hampshire should be interesting. Any plan to cut Social Security turns off about 75% of voters. The 25% who favor Social Security cuts are pretty much the Republican base.


  1. The honest thing has already been proposed and it requires more common sense than boldness. Reallocation and some modest tweaks would remove any need for changes that would make the most vulnerable beneficiaries suffer.

    In today's climate, bold would be putting the well-being of senior citizens and people with disabilities ahead of the special interests who are trying to cut the programs.

  2. Well-stated, 11:32!

  3. Raise the cap. Done.

  4. 1:07PM is correct. Raise the cap or elimate it entirely - Problem solved. The answer is so obvious it's ridiculous!
