
Apr 17, 2015


     The Guardian Newspaper of the United Kingdom decided to rank countries on their benefits for the unemployed and disabled. The U.S. came in last, after Russia and South Africa. Here are a couple of excerpts:
The US system of benefits for disabled people could be used as a cautionary tale for anyone who wants to know what happens when state financial support for citizens with physical or mental impairments is paired (sic) down to the minimum. ...
According to the OECD [Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development], SSDI payments average $1,140 per month (£777) and are much less than the benefits paid by most other advanced nations placing the US 30th out of 34 countries in international rankings. The US is also hovering towards the bottom of the league tables (27th) on the percentage of its GDP that goes on disability benefits (just 0.8% in 2009 compared to the UK’s 2.4%  ...


  1. Well, I'm sure those other countries have their shortfalls elsewhere or else we'd all be moving.

  2. No shortfall, we just couldn't get citizenship or lawful permanent residence in any of them.
