
May 30, 2015

Legal Action Under Way In Eric Conn's Cases

     Some of Eric Conn's clients are suing him. There's also talk of seeking a court order to prevent Social Security from summarily cutting off benefit payments to 900 of Conn's former clients.


  1. Wish them best of luck. Maybe the lawsuit will get the KY bar and SSA OIG to get their acts together.

  2. Well, the KY bar apparently tolerates a wide range of behavior.

    Remember that OIG cannot prosecute - it needs a local law enforcement partner.

    The Holder justice department was more focused on political issues than real criminal allegations. How important is the Hastert case?


    suit against ssa


  4. so - if the validity of the impairment(s) these people had originally been found disabled for by Judge Daughetry is found to be unsupportable........with a retroactive cessation based on the fraud exception - is it possible that the insured period for some of the people included the two Martins may have run out before the clinical onset of their cancers?

    Didn't the Coburn report - also say that a number of the reports from these four doctors were actually written by Conn - and that perhaps there was no formal medical or psychiatric exam of any substance actually performed. Also that Daugherty completed most of his favorable decisions on the record with no hearing or with only brief hearings with no actual questioning of substance?

  5. Thank you to the attorneys and staff assisting claimants with this tragic injustice.



    Link to 5/31/15 Lexington Herald-Leader Editorial

  7. Went to to review the claimant lawsuits and scrolled down other cases on page. One of them is a lawsuit against Conn for his alleged involvement in videotaping Sarah Carver, an SSA employee. Below that, there are postings for "open records request" and affidavits by two former Conn employees outlining Conn's attempted campaign contributions to a KY Supreme Court Judge. Looks like he pled a felony down to a misdemeanor. Interesting stuff.

    This story seems to have far-reaching tentacles. If there's enough evidence to suspend benefits there should be enough evidence to at least sanction Conn and go after anyone else involved in this alleged scheme. And where's the KBA? -- as Anon 9:49 said "the KY bar apparently tolerates a wide range of behavior."

  8. This is exactly why the fox shouldn't guard the henhouse...

  9. Thanks, Anon 2:08. If the allegations in that videotaping lawsuit are true, there is definite retaliation by Conn and Andrus, the former Huntington office HOCALJ. If that isn't bad enough, there are affidavits at the end of it taken by the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. I thought this couldn't get any crazier, but I'm totally blown away after reading them. Here's the link:
