
May 18, 2015

Report On Field Office Closures

     Social Security's Office of Inspector General (OIG) had released a study on field office closures. This was in response to a Senate Special Committee on Aging investigation. The OIG study showes that Social Security's documentation of the office closures included the "primary factors" required by agency policy but not all the information required by agency policy. Social Security plans to update its office closure process.
     This isn't going to satisfy members of Congress who have office closures in their district. Their problem isn't Social Security's process or its documentation. It's the fact that an office is being closed in their district.
     Anyway, below is a table showing a list of Social Security field offices "consolidated", meaning closed, in fiscal year 2014. Why were no offices closed in the Midwest or Mountain states?


  1. You don't consider Kansas to be part of the Midwest?

  2. Wish the OIG would do a report on SSA's IT department.

    Not trying to hijack this thread, but just curious if anyone else is having problems with the ERE system following the weekend update. We are having problems sending in Pre-hearing briefs.

  3. Call the help number. There is a temporary work-around until they get it fixed.

  4. RE: IT department comment and temporary work-around - as a retired ALJ I can tell you that the IT department is worthless. They always claim there is a work-around and never actually fix the problem. Hiring IT people from clerical ranks and training them only on what they need to know, instead of hiring and paying for good highly trained IT people is why the systems never work properly!
