
Jul 17, 2015

Congressman Believes Social Security Is Immoral

     From the Washington Examiner:
While the problem comes down to dollars and cents, the unsustainable nature of federal entitlement programs is also a moral issue, according to House Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price, R-Ga.
"Our goal is to end the immoral practice of forcing more Americans into dependency on broken governmental programs," Price said. "Critics try to claim the moral high ground. They say that they're the ones looking after our seniors and those less well off. Let me ask you, where's the morality in committing seniors and low-income families to a health care system that can't deliver health care...? Is it moral to promise retirement security that the government knows it cannot provide?" ...


  1. "forcing more Americans into dependency on broken governmental programs"

    I always find it interesting to see how disconnected politicians and some actors(entertainers)are. I'm assuming the patient protection affordable care act(obamacare)was on his mind when his statements were made. I mean,i have never heard the government forcing people to apply for and receive retirement and disability benefits.

    I heard on the news about two actors advocating for chickens that are kept in cages. Certain type of people(rich and powerful)are just disconnected from important everyday issues or reality. The goverment can provide it's program if it eliminates waste on wars and tax breaks for the wealthy who offshore jobs.

  2. Without knowing this congressman's background, I'm sure it's safe to assume that he claims to be a devout Christian. Perhaps he needs a refresher course on what the New Testament has to say about helping the poor and less fortunate...

  3. Okay, I suppose he's in favor of getting rid of law enforcement, too. I mean, where's the morality of committing citizens to a system that cannot prevent crime or enforce the law?

  4. What a remarkable rationale for refusing to help people in need! It might make them dependent. So don't give that starving person food. Don't give a drink to that person dying of thirst. Don't throw a rope to that drowning man. You might make them dependent, and that would be immoral.

  5. He's a republitard moron......

    what about tax free status for bible thumpers ?

  6. Well the first problem I see is that he went to Michigan. (OH-) He is a physician, an Orthopedist, and has a net worth of $12.2 million.

    I'm sure that broken healthcare system he complains of had a little bit to do with his earning his millions.

    Another rich, elitist who is out of touch with the real world.

  7. Let's be honest - both sides have their problems. I always see remarks about republicans but the democrats use disability and other support and/or entitlement programs to scare people in need into voting their way. Both sides are pathetic in their own right.

  8. So, he didn't really say Social Security is immoral. Nice try. The immorality comes from government promising benefits it can't provide or may eventually not be able to provide because of corruption, dishonesty, or incompetence. Sounds right to me. But the critics want everyone in America dependent on governmental programs so they keep voting for the politicians who provide them.

  9. It is kind of entertaining to listen to politicians pander to the crazies in the primary.
