
Jul 3, 2015

Eric Conn's Social Security Practice Fading Away

     Eric Conn hasn't been prosecuted and he is still allowed to practice before the Social Security Administration but it sounds like his law practice has taken quite a hit. The Louisville Courier-Journal says that "Conn has closed satellite offices in Ashland as well as in Beverly Hills, Calif., and San Francisco. The giant sign that towers over his office is literally fading, and on a recent weekday his overflow parking lots and waiting room were empty."


  1. Thanks! You are the best!

    Can we have an update on the Binder and Binder bankruptcy now, too?

  2. Gosh, I guess what goes around comes around, even if he did not violate the law. Time to find a new stream of income, Eric.

  3. It would be one thing if he actually had offices in San Francisco and Beverly Hills... But since he never has, I don't suppose their closure really hurt him all that much.
