
Jul 30, 2015

OIG Report On Tax Delinquent Social Security Employees

     Social Security's Office of Inspector General (OIG) has produced a report about the agency's employees who are delinquent in paying their federal taxes. See below for a chart. I'd call it sort of a gotcha report, good for little more than helping those who want to criticize civil servants. 
     Social Security employees are in about the same range as other federal employees when it comes to tax delinquency. 
     By the way, the report shows that 1.8% of Social Security's Administrative Law Judges and 1.2% of its Senior Executive Service employees are tax delinquent. 
     I didn't see any comparable numbers for non-federal government workers. I'd bet it's considerably higher.


  1. They are delinquent in filing their taxes, not paying their taxes. The taxes are withheld from their biweekly paychecks. Most of them will end up gettting a refund anyway. Let's keep the diatribe against a group of employees working themselves to death

  2. Pay your taxes. Pay them on time. Any questions?

  3. I agree that this kind of report is useless. The graph from the report that you show is also useless. The point of a stacked bar graph is to show the proportions in the different categories (delinquent or not). That only works if the bars start at 0, which they don't here. This makes the red regions much bigger than they should be.

  4. @7:01AM Its pretty typical to try and make the regions look bigger. That's what men do.
