
Jul 31, 2015

Read This If You Think That The ADA Means That More Disabled People Can Work

     From TPM Cafe:
Twenty-five years ago this past Sunday, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law. Today, people with disabilities are less likely to be employed than they were before the law was enacted. Workers with disabilities earn, on average, about $14,000 less than similar workers without disabilities. About one in every three disabled Americans lives in poverty.


  1. i'd like to see some back-up of the claim that "people with disabilities are less likely to be employed than they were before the law was enacted." My guess is that this is probably true...the percentage of people with "disabilities" who are employed is probably lower. But I would also guess that the number of people defined as having a "disability" has increased greatly. Therefore, this is not a valid comparison.

  2. Another interesting tidbit:

    Although one would think SSA would present as an exemplary employer of the disabled, it is anything but. Trying to obtain a Reasonable Accommodation (RA) with the Agency, even after the longstanding disability discrimination case was settled earlier this year, is still very difficult, time consuming, and often requires filing an EEO case, or a grievance, before one can be obtained. Moreover, if an employee is lucky enough to obtain a RA, many managers choose to ignore, or cherry pick, the particulars of the RA to work for their benefit rather than the disabled employee, thereby impeding much of its intended purpose. When this occurs, the disabled employee still shoulders the burden of having to appeal to a higher authority just to get the Agency to properly implement it per its original intent and purpose. ALJ's seeking RA's have encountered the same problems. The Agency's historic notoriety of casting the disabled to the side, not promoting them, and eventually forcing many with no choice but a constructive discharge appears to continue unabated. The inefficient, and often incompetent, management structure of the Agency fostered by Associate Commissioner Colvin's efforts to promote as many of her cronies as possible before she leaves intimates change is unlikely.

  3. I can provide a clearer picture. Civil rights legislation was passed but injustice still currently happen. Affecting blacks mostly but other groups including a very few white people. The ADA does not completely protect anyone with a disability.

  4. With the unemployment rate, and I mean the real one, not the doctored BS that the government wants you to believe, there are less people employed now than there were 25 years ago, disabled or not. Further, with the unemployment level so high, employers can easily hire people with higher educations and no disabilities than 25 years ago.

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