
Jul 22, 2015

Republicans Want To Insure That People Who Are Actively Hallucinating Aren't Denied Access To Firearms

     Almost all of the Republican members of the House Ways and Means Committee (and none of the Democratic members) have signed a letter sent to the Acting Commissioner of Social Security opposing any plan to provide the names of Social Security recipients who have a representative payee to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System for purposes of limiting the ability of those who have been found incapable of handling funds to obtain firearms.
     You know, this sounds important to these Republicans. You know what's important to Democrats? Protecting the Social Security Disability Insurance Trust Fund. ... Just saying.


  1. So only claimant's that are actively hallucinating have Rep payees, strange..

  2. The republicans are tone deaf. First arguement will be their second amendment rights. As a black non attorney it's difficult for me to believe the constitution was fair and balanced when created by the so called founding fathers BTW at the expense of native americans and possibly mexicans. I am not a historian and have not thoroughly reasearch these statemnts. Also the second amendment should be scrutinized today considering the constant national gun tragedies.

  3. Democrats and Republicans are two sides of the same coin and their chicanery is older than the bipartisan political system. Both parties view their constituents as irrelevant and use the Hegelian Dialectic to promote and progress the interests of oligarchs. To support one side or the other will always bring you to the intended outcome of those with a vested financial interest. If you think you support your best interests by favoring either side of this coin you're dead wrong. "Bipartisan usually means that a larger-than-usual deception is being carried out." -- George Carlin

  4. The letter to SSA is a joke. Congress knows this isn't SSA's idea and that SSA would probably not want to do this. This idea came from above in the Obama Administration and SSA has to carry the water for it. Writing to SSA is just for show.
