
Aug 10, 2015

New Regs On Social Security Number Applications

     The Social Security Administration has adopted new regulations on Social Security number applications to allow for electronic applications.



    Conn problem solved free of charge?

  2. The first phase of online SSN card applications via MySocialSecurity is tentatively coming later this year. They are preparing for that.

    Being an agency employee AND having been a victim of identity theft, the day it is announced, I plan to block electronic access to my own SSA records. There is no way I would ever take a chance on going through that hell again, and making SSN applications available via Internet is an all you can eat buffet for the identity thieves.

    1. If you are an agency employee you are in clear violation of the social media policy right now. Please go to work and ask management about the social media policy before you post without putting the disclaimer

  3. OIG is about to get a lot busier!!!!

  4. @7:12 PM - are you really an SSA employee? If so you should be aware that you can add "Extra Security" to your mySSA account. This features requires you to input a one time code that is sent to your cell phone every time you need to login to your mySSA account. Identity theft is real but the "Extra Security" feature would prevent from anyone logging into your account unless you gave them your cell phone.....

  5. re: 6:04pm Anon
    @6:04pm - yes, I am an SSA employee. I've worked enough flippin fraud cases involving mySSA that I'm totally sick of them. And, yes I do know about extra security. I recommend it to all the claimants stupid enough to open one of those accounts.

    Hopefully, you'll never get to experience identity theft - mine was caught early, but it took me years to fix the mess in the end. And, to boot, it was actually the fault of the agency that it happened (this was before the agency had policies dealing with loss of PII), so I am entitled to be bitter about it.

    After my experience (and having dealt with some of the absolutely clueless management on the software development side of the agency) I wouldn't believe the people running SSA if they told me the sky was blue (at least without checking first, that is).

    1. Your a joke. The future is defined by controlling your personal information. If you want to go stick your head in the sand because you're too bitter to move forward in life don't stop the rest of us. Anyone born 1985 or later wants access and control to the agencys resources we want transparent government we don't want people born in 1950s being assholes about the future

  6. My father-in-law is on social security disability and these regulations can be difficult for us to figure out some times. We consulted with a lawyer a while back. With less self-figuring out we find the process so much better.
