
Aug 6, 2015

The "Testing" Goes On Without End

     Social Security is once again extending the "testing" of the use of a single decision maker and the elimination of reconsideration. This testing has been going on for many years. Everyone knows they both work. However, the single decision maker system results in a really tiny increase in the number of disability claims approved so it can't go forward and eliminating reconsideration funnels more cases to hearings before Administrative Law Judges which would increase backlogs at that level so it can't go forward either. So Social Security just keeps extending the "testing" indefinitely.

1 comment:

  1. SDM is a small relief valve for the SSA. They just can't part with it, because it results in many administrative benefits despite the increased beneficiary payouts due to the increased allowance rates vs. non-SDM sites.

    It's like a little gem. :)

    Someone needs to drill down the data to see the benefits that the OIG couldn't or wouldn't find in their last report.
