
Sep 30, 2015

Five New Cooperative Disability Investigation Units

     A press release from Social Security's Office of Inspector General:

The Social Security Administration (SSA) and its Office of the Inspector General (OIG) announced that five new Cooperative Disability Investigations (CDI) Units opened across the country this week. As part of the nationwide CDI Program, the new units will identify and prevent Social Security disability fraud throughout their respective states. The new CDI units opened in Birmingham, Alabama; St. Paul, Minnesota; Raleigh, North Carolina; Charleston, West Virginia; and Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
The CDI Program is one of Social Security’s most successful anti-fraud initiatives, contributing to the integrity of Federal disability programs. CDI brings together personnel from SSA, its OIG, State Disability Determination Services (DDS), and local law enforcement agencies to analyze and investigate suspicious Social Security disability claims, to help resolve questions of fraud before benefits are paid. CDI efforts help disability examiners make informed decisions, ensure payment accuracy, and generate significant taxpayer savings for Federal and State programs.
“For 18 years, CDI has had tremendous success in identifying and preventing disability fraud and abuse,” said Inspector General Patrick P. O’Carroll, Jr. “We’re pleased to partner with Social Security, DDS, and local law enforcement agencies to combat fraud and to promote the integrity of Social Security’s disability programs


  1. The CDIUs are self-fulfilling entities. If you create an unit to detect fraud, that unit will find "fraud" in order to justify its very existence. I have seen far too many CDIU "investigation" reports which are completely lacking in evidence or even basic details or are completely made up. That doesn't prevent SSA, however, from disregarding evidence and denying claims by claiming "similar fault" and claiming a victory over fraud.

    1. The tricks and planting of evidence they will do as well, just to claim a victory over fraud you think.

  2. From the reports by various members of NOSSCR at seminars, 12:51 may be mild in the criticisms of CDIUs. In the past, some of these units have gotten local law enforcement to assign an officer to work with them. If you were a sheriff or police chief, would you assign one of your best officers to work with them? There have been reports of various tricks being pulled on claimants/beneficiaries. I practiced criminal law for years before I concentrated on SS Dib. The public (and Congress) don't know, or perhaps don't care about how abusive of due process and civil rights police can be--the public doesn't see them as bureaucrats.

  3. If anyone in congress wants to find fraud, then they should look at them selves for the work environments they've created for over 30 years plus by allowing employers to do what ever it is they want to employees by deregulating just about every labor law there is among other preventive laws there are, all for themselves & for their business buddies. All it has done is create the circumstances for slave labor and then want to take away what little with such shameful amounts of SSDI or SSI especially after one made more than 4 times or more, prior to getting purposely injured or ill on the job by a deliberately negligent employer. in w The police at all levels have been known to fraudulently file for WC, SSA benefits, so the police can also look at them selves too. CA. is number 1 rift with this type of fraud among other states from the east. Like military diversionary tactics, it's the ones who point the finger so willingly should be the one to be eyeballed for fraud.

  4. The FAC, Ca., Fraud Assessment Commission is filled with insurance representatives and headed by a state police officer funded by self-insured employers to the tune of about 35 million dollars a year going to CA Couty DA's. A very lucrative business for fraud law enforcement that take no complaints from those who make complaints against the self insured employer. ONE cannot bite the hand that feeds them. The same with the SSA. No one can make a complaint about the fraud within the SSA and now there will be another layer of fraud law enforcement officers to protect the SSA just as are self-insured employers who pay Ca. county DA's. We pay for all of this through our federal and state taxes and this should be abolished for being just what it is, just another racket for American citizens to pay to get falsely accused of a crime that they did not commit. Talk about about due process violations. Profiling is another crimes being committed against anyone who rightly receives benefits. Again it is amazing that those who really commit fraud are the ones pointing their finger ever so gingerly and getting paid for it. What is the name of our country again?

  5. My ex is HARASSING ME by making false claims to Social Security Administration about my disability. How to report a fraud report!?!?
