
Sep 27, 2015

Is The Social Security Disability Crisis Over?

      Michael Hiltzik at the Los Angeles Times thinks that the Social Security disability "crisis" is over. I'd say that it's a bit early to say that the political battle is over. For that matter, the political battle over the existence of any form of Social Security is far from over as far as many Republicans are concerned.


  1. Hitzik is probably the most sensible journalist reporting on SSD issues today. My understanding from reading his article is that he is just stating the demographic "crisis" is over. In other words, the actuaries reliably predict that the bump coming from baby boomers reaching disability prone years, and more women in the work force qualifying for SSD, will no longer drive numbers up and that some decline is expected.

    He was not predicting that the political problem is over. He appears to recognize the far right's desire to cut our Social Security benefits and the methods by which they seek to achieve it.

  2. I don't think the fiscal crisis facing SS is from congressional inaction but by pure math.

  3. To Anon 11:48, “Pure math” notwithstanding (whatever that is) both Hitzick and the report indicate the crisis is over and the impediments to funding do indeed rest with the Congress – republicans to be more accurate, manufacturing a

  4. There is no fiscal crisis facing Social Security, but a manufactured crisis. Anyone who says there is such a crisis should also be wringing hands over the "fiscal crisis" in funding the military -- which is not funded past the next 2 days.

  5. There is no "funding" crisis, there is a "borrowing" crisis from the democrats in there attempt to expand government and the continual "borrowing" of funds from designated SS funds.
