
Sep 4, 2015

Friday News Dump

     Social Security's Office of Inspector General (OIG) has issued a progress report on Social Security's national computer center. This is a very expensive project to replace Social Security's current data processing center. There has been a controversy over whether it's really needed.
     OIG has labeled the report as "Limited Distribution" and has issued only a very brief summary to the public. They're keeping most of it secret. The report, such as it is, has been released on the Friday before Labor Day. Why?
     Let me just mention that a Republican was Commissioner of Social Security when the national computer center was being planned and when construction started. Republicans on Capitol Hill were the biggest proponents of a national computer center. I don't think Social Security's Inspector General, who was appointed by President George W. Bush, has ever raised any question about the wisdom of creating a national computer center even though OIG has done many studies of the national computer center over the years. I don't think this is a partisan problem but if it is, it's a problem primarily created by Republicans.


  1. You lose all credibility when you bring partisanship into most every discussion, and it's ALWAYS posed as the Republicans fault. You are so myopic in thinking that everything the GOP does is wrong, and everything the Democrats do is right. You're as bad as MSNBC and FOX.

  2. Agree...It is always a blame game.

  3. Charles, your observations concerning Republicans remind me of a relevant quote - And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

  4. @12:36PM & 2:54PM

    Gee, did it ever occur to you the reason these discussion articles may tend to appear this way to you is because it really is the truth; but, you are so blindsided by your ideology and the constant radio and cable news feeds espousing your ideology that you no longer recognize the truth, even when it keeps smacking you upside the face?

  5. Well Well not surprised Republican jerks

  6. You have this all wrong. The National Data Center was funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) also known as the Obama Stimulus Package. Yes, Republican SSA Comissioner at the time, but Democrats put the funding package together. Get your story straight.

  7. Charles, you are at a master of driving folks to read your blog by bringing politics into most entires regardless of truth. Always an entertaining read the way you get folks heated up. Keep up the great work.

  8. The National Computer Center (NCC) has been in operation since the 70's. The new data center that was just built in Urbana, MD is the National Support Center (NSC).

  9. Ever notice that there is NOT a GOP leaning site for SSDI/SSI information?
