
Oct 22, 2015

Comp Cuts Causing Increase In Social Security Disablity Costs?

     The Center for Economic and Policy Research has done a study on Rising Disability Payments: Are Cuts to Workers' Compensation Part of the Story? The charts below, extracted from the report, suggest that the answer is "yes."


  1. It's time for the government to crack down on workers comp avoidance schemes by companies.

  2. That will be quite the feat since it started in at least 1987 to 2005 that 1.3 million California totally disabled injured workers with their dependents did not get worker comp disability but instead received either SSI or SSDI. Count another 10 years and add all other states and employers owe WHAT to injured workers and the feds? More often it was the disabled injured workers attorneys with the employer defense attorneys who got two bites of the apple, one from a small settlement from workers comp and one from social security. Does one think that employers will be held accountable for the many billions when it was congressional members who were in charge of this tax payer scheme? Those congress folks who protected corporations in their states from paying little to nothing for anything related to the disabled worker.

  3. Yet everyone wants a businessman to take charge of the country. Big business has always played fair. I also have a nice bridge to sell.
