
Oct 27, 2015

Statement From Social Security Works

     A statement from Social Security Works, a major advocacy group:
“Last night, the Republican leadership agreed to release their hostages: the need to raise the debt limit, the need to keep the government operating, and the need to ensure that all Social Security benefits can continue to be paid in full and on time beyond 2016.  When hostage takers release their hostages, we are, of course, relieved that the hostages are no longer in harm’s way, but this is nothing to celebrate.  That the ransom isn’t steeper is also not something to celebrate.
Among the ransom is a diversion of Social Security resources towards virtually nonexistent fraud.  Those provisions will likely require workers with disabilities to wait longer to receive their earned benefits and may prevent some from receiving their earned benefits completely.  That is wrong.  The legislation has some good provisions, along with the ransom.  It does ensure that Medicare beneficiaries will not experience drastically large premium increases.  It also closes a loophole that was introduced in the law relatively recently that allows wealthier Americans to game the system by claiming extra benefits inconsistent with the goals of the program.  Though some provisions are positive, Social Security legislation, as a matter of principle, should go through regular order, in the light of day.
If that were done, Social Security would be expanded. As the overwhelming majority of Americans recognize, Social Security’s one shortcoming is that its benefits are too low. Congress should follow the will of the people by expanding those modest but vital benefits and restore the program to long range actuarial balance by requiring the wealthiest among us to pay their fair share.”


  1. "Congress should follow the will of the people by expanding those modest but vital benefits"

    While i appreciate the kind thought. It does not seem reasonable considering when i read internet articles,companies are steadily laying off. Beneficiaries will be lucky if benefits remain the same with a slight yearly COLA increase.

  2. Blame the fraud fever on self serving grandstanders like SSA's Inspector General , former Senator Coburn, and Senator Lankford, who carried Coburn's water in the House before getting elected to the Senate. While there are cheats in the program, it is no where near the exaggerated levels that these bozos claimed.

  3. This is the lowest this country can go plenty of money for war and foreign aid but a disable US Citizen has to worry if he is going to be able to make his rent payment and eat ..

  4. Expand it for the Boomers and have the rest of us pay for it. When will it ever stop!

  5. Well, published studies reveal that claimant's malingering when involved in mental impairments is 40% + or - 10%. That is a whole bunch of possible fraud..

  6. @Anonymous

    You w=rote "Well, published studies reveal that claimant's malingering when involved in mental impairments is 40% + or - 10%."

    I would love to read more about this important issue, please cite some examples of these published studies.



  7. Just presented at the AALJ Conference in New Orleans by a psychologist and psychiatrist.

  8. That is a source I trust, a judge in a union in a government job.
