
Jan 24, 2016

Hives And Rashes At New York Field Office

     From the Olean, NY Times Herald:

Those working at the Social Security office in downtown Olean continue to experience the same medical conditions as they did in late September while at work, a union official has reported.

“Employees have the same medical issues — strong outbreaks of hives and respiratory issues,” said Shawn Halloran, executive vice president of The American Federation of Government Employees Local 3342, which represents the dozen Social Security employees at the Olean office. ...

Officials at Park Centre Development, which owns the building and is headquartered nearby, said those working in offices neighboring the Social Security location have not reported experiencing similar symptoms. ...
An industrial hygienist went through the Social Security office two days after it closed and took samples to determine what caused the reaction.
The inspection did uncover some minor issues, such as exposed insulation in a utility closet and some excess equipment gathering dust. In addition, the inspector recommended the office’s heating and cooling system be adjusted to ensure its vents were functioning properly.
Park Centre had the facility thoroughly cleaned before it reopened Oct. 1.
In the nearly four months since the office reopened, Halloran has received calls almost weekly from office employees reporting the recurrence of hives and rashes. He added that officers with a private firm who provide security at the office have also experienced the same symptoms.


  1. As usual, employees health concerns are a low priority. What do their doctors say? Mold, asbestos, chemicals, bio hazards, infectious disease??? Looking into the HVAC system would be a great idea and then the evidence to state or federal toxic labs/agencies. Where are the OSHA folks when you need them or did the SSA let OSHA even know about this months long problem? OOPS, this sounds too much like attempting to try & fix the problem!
    We have a CA state building with loads of mold & employees have been working in it for years. Sure hope, the SSA employees don't wait that long. It seems that our govt doesn't aid employees. Too costly for the bottom line.

  2. That's okay, some of the workers in our office get sick and have to go home whenever anyone makes popcorn in the microwave... One of them found a hole in her mattress and though SSA was listening to her....

  3. Reminder to self, send case of popcorn.
