
Feb 16, 2016

Appeals Council Has To Work An Extra Hour

     Due to inclement weather, Social Security's offices in the Baltimore area are opening four hours late today. However, the Appeals Council, which is in Falls Church, VA, is supposed to follow the guidance of the Office of Personnel Management, which has decided upon opening federal offices in the D.C. area three hours late.


  1. Is McDonalds open? how about Walmart? Is the little gas station open with the min wage worker behind the counter? Hmmmm yet the overpaid plush benefit crowd gets the break. Funny how that works.

  2. Yes, it has nothing to do with the claimant's that have to rely on mass transit or walk to get to a hearing. It's all about the MAN..

  3. The Claimant having waited for years would be there. The rep and ALJ much further up the food chain are far too precious to loose.

  4. So why do I have a 25% dismissal rate??

  5. Because the agency drops the ball on informing the Claimant to the needs and schedules without the Claimant input.

  6. Oh, you mean that they must arrange to be off from work to come in for their hearing? I understand that it must be quite burdensome for them to have to appear for a hearing that may mean over $300,000.00 in benefits and money to them. So sad..

  7. The dead are not often punctual.
