
Feb 5, 2016

Appeals Council Won't Return Evidence -- But They Won't Consider It

     From today's Federal Register:
This final rule revises our rules regarding returning evidence at the Appeals Council (AC) level. Under this final rule, the AC will no longer return additional evidence it receives when the AC determines the additional evidence does not relate to the period on or before the date of the administrative law judge (ALJ) decision.


  1. in other words...stop sending junk to the AC.

  2. Read the rest of the notice.

  3. You know they are so darn busy! But hey they will explain why they are returning evidence. That will likely be longer than their usual denial of action.

  4. Their explanation is already in their review denial notices. "We are denying review. In doing so, we considered the stuff yiu submitted. Your new evidence doesn't change our mind because it doesn't change our mind. Therefore, yes."
