
Feb 29, 2016

Rudolph Patterson 1939-2016

     I regret to report that Rudolph Patterson of Macon, Georgia, who was one of the founders of the National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representatives (NOSSCR), has passed away. Rudolph was an invaluable part of NOSSCR for three decades. He trained thousands of attorneys in Social Security law and remained an inspiration to many.
     I first met Rudolph at the first NOSSCR Conference, help in New Orleans in the fall of 1979. I remember being disappointed that I got into town too late to take Rudolph up on his offer of dinner at Antoine's. I think he invited all the attendees to dinner. Rupolph was always generous with his time and his considerable expertise. He certainly helped me greatly.
     Rudolph was NOSSCR's Atticus Finch, the role model to which we all aspired and should still aspire.


  1. A wonderful man, well respected by the ODAR Bench. He will be missed.
