
Feb 1, 2016

VIP To Visit Social Security Headquarters

     Social Security is warning its central office employees of extraordinary security measures that will be in effect Wednesday morning at its Security West property due to a "VIP-related security event." Parking will be significantly reduced, some entrances will be blocked off and blinds or shades will have to be closed in some offices. Vehicles will be inspected by K-9 units. 
     I hope someone can enlighten us but I'm having trouble imagining anyone whose visit would justify such preparations other than the President or the head of state of some foreign nation and I don't think any foreign leader is visiting Social Security headquarters.


  1. On Wednesday, Obama will be visiting a mosque only miles from SSA so either that is the reason or he will actually be stopping by SSA.

  2. I think it's Punxsutawney Phil but I wouldn't quote that.

  3. Our Christian President will be visiting a Mosque....
