
Mar 2, 2016

Colvin Can Continue As Acting Commissioner Even If Eanes Is Confirmed

     The "Open Executive Session" of the Senate Finance Committee to consider the nomination of Andrew Lamont Eanes to become Deputy Commissioner of Social Security, as well as some other nominations, which had been scheduled for today, has been postponed. No new date has been announced.
     I have been saying that if confirmed that Eanes will become Acting Commissioner of Social Security replacing the current Acting Commissioner, Carolyn Colvin. That's exactly right as things stand now. If Eanes is confirmed, Colvin is out of a job and Eanes as Deputy Commissioner automatically becomes Acting Commissioner. However, it appears that there is a plan to change that. The plan is to create some other position at Social Security, I assume in the Senior Executive Service (SES), for Colvin. The President could then alter the order of succession to make the person holding that position the Acting Commissioner. There are no formalities to this. All that's needed is a simple memorandum from the President. While the Social Security Act provides that the Deputy Commissioner becomes the Acting Commissioner, it also provides that the President can designate someone else.
     I find this weird. The job of Deputy Commissioner at Social Security has only one defined duty -- to become Acting Commissioner if the Commissioner's job is vacant -- and the President would be taking away that duty. What's the point of having a Deputy Commissioner if you take away the only duty of the office? I don't mean to suggest that Eanes won't have anything to do if confirmed. I'm sure he'll be given something to do but if he can't be Acting Commissioner he really seems like a fifth wheel. It also seems weird to me because a person holding a statutory position where he had to be confirmed by the Senate will be reporting to a person holding an SES position which doesn't require Senate confirmation. I wonder how often that happens in the federal government.
     Whose idea was it to confirm Eanes but to retain Colvin as Acting Commissioner? Why would you do this? Why bother nominating or confirming Eanes if you have such a low regard for him that you want to make sure he has no power, at least for now?


  1. Cover up at the highest levels is the reason for this weird decision. The scandal, in part, has to do with the misconduct, including criminal misconduct, the long time ODAR Senior Attorney referenced in the thread a few days ago about the EEOC's proposed action concerning the Rehabilitation Act and increasing the percentage of those with disabilities Federal Agencies must hire/retain.

    Acting Commissioner Carolyn Colvin has thus far protected, covered up, and refused to address the misconduct of the employees involved, several of whom are high ranking Management officialin Falls Church and Baltimore, in addition to some ALJ's, Attorneys and other employees. This is why Colvin never became SSA Commissioner or was denominated. Keeping Colvin on is a last ditch effort by corrupt officials involved in the cover up to maintain it. Once Colvin's out, the potential for the cover up to be exposed is quite likely.

    Congress, sure hope you stay abreast of this and take appropriate action to bust this wide open!

  2. @ 10:56...paranoid much?

  3. "the long time ODAR Senior Attorney referenced in the thread a few days ago"... Which happens to be the same person speaking above. I'm surprised there was no mention of a star chamber. Oops, I just said it.

  4. Colvin probably did not want the job in the first place, but was only doing it for her friend - and certainly does not want it for 6 years. So I surmise that if they get Eanes approved by the Senate, then why not put him up as the Commish later this year for the 6 year term. Like right before the elections, so there will be another accusation of Republican stonewalling.

  5. Easy answer, get a big paycheck with no work duties. Clearly eanes did Obama a favor maybe supplied some marijuana now Obama is giving him a job but no duties

  6. @2:55PM, "...paranoid much?"

    No, but this is exactly what you and your cohorts want everyone to think, i.e., "crazy-making abuse."

  7. Colvin is just doing it for a friend! That's a new one.
