
Mar 26, 2016

More Than 60 Million Draw Social Security Benefits

     From CNS News:
The number of people receiving benefits from the Social Security Administration topped 60,000,000 for the first time at the beginning of 2016.
In December 2015, according to data published by the Office of the Chief Actuary of Social Security, the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Disability Insurance Trust Funds paid benefits to 59,963,425 beneficiaries. In January 2016, that increased to 60,084,225, and in February 2016 to 60,199,914.


  1. IF there weren't so many injured workers drawing SSDI or SSI (more of that SSI even though they worked for several decades & should be on SSDI) rather than employers pay the worker comp benefits, then the number of SSA recipients would be lower. Congress let that happen for employers profits while draining SSA funds. Just another racket for employers to steal from the American public taxes but no one in SSA complains of this. SSI is more state taxes, some employer wc premiums & the rest out of the U.S.Treasury, NOT the SSA itself, only until one turns 65, then injured workers get their benefits from the SSA fund.. The reason I mention this is to show the congress is not performing it's job for those that get hurt or sick on the job but then again I don't think congress is doing much for any other American but figuring out ways to cause financial problems for the recipients and then blame the recipients for the problems. I use to have faith in the American gov't system but not anymore. Congress shows nothing but disdain for the American citizens erst the while, figuring out ways to increase money into the U.S. treasury & other govt coffers & then make sure all we get is a hard time & less money than what is promised while using the "saved" money for something other than what it is intended, saving corporations from paying taxes and paying out worker comp benefits while they stash their multi- profit making in overseas accounts. SUCH A DEAL for the American people who earned the dollars but cannot access those dollars thanks to congress's scurrilous shenanigans. Flint Mich IS the prime example of Congress not giving a damn for those who pay the price in every way while some in govt get to cheat us out of our benefits. Shouldn't that be illegal & someone be held accountable? It was not this way, when we were young.
    I cannot get anyone in the SSA to send me a form to file fraud charges against a SSA employee. The congress member refuses to even acknowledge the more than obvious fraud but he is certainly not the first one to do so & this has happened with other SSA recipients who were not given all of their benefits. It is a systemic with no accountability whatsoever. Something is totally amiss when you cannot get a form to file for fraud within the SSA system but the SSA will go after others outside of the SSA. This seems to be the paradigm of how our govt works throughout. It's been one obstruction after another.
    Anyone have any ideas on how to file fraud charges on SSA employees?
    Would I have to file in federal court to do so?
    Thank you.

  2. The beginning of the bell curve for the Boomers. Should see a steady increase over the years as we work our way to the peak. 10,000 a day turn 65 according to the Pew Research Center.

  3. Curious to know what the actual percentages are of those getting SS benefits and the total U.S. population (currently around 320 million).

    Assume the percentages have gone up. But the Baby Boomers have made the population grow just based on their numbers and offspring.

    According to the report, the number of disabled workers was 10.9 million in January 2015 and 10.7 million in January 2016. At least that went down slightly for some reason.

  4. Many boomers lost their jobs via the comp system & ending up on ssi. This started in 1987 & the SSA via congress started this ball rolling to get rid of the boomers in the work force, so the employers would not have to pay the highest wages & the owed in lieu benefits like health care & pension retirement, which many lost via comp & ssi . It worked and no state or federal agency helped cause it was rigged this way. There were many specific targets & discrimination cases that were turned into WC cases & the state & federal judiciary aided & abetted in this fiasco. This saved employers oodles of money, in every way possible and as with SSI, employers didn't have to pay their share of FICA. Women with their dependents were primarily the recipients. The 60's NOW or the bra burners got the backlash by employers & unions via WC..More women living in destitution even though they worked most of their lives, 20-30 40 + years & still in total abject poverty. More boomers born in 1946 (rights after ww11)& the numbers per subsequent year start winding down.

  5. Had we been able to get vocational rehab from WC or SSA. we could've contributed more to the SSA. Was it better to just cause people to get hurt or ill, leaving them to get just SSI. when we could've been productive for society as we were prior to injury/illness? I just don't know how putting people on SSI benefited the govt, unless helping illegals save the govt money(wages) as well as it did for corporations. What a betrayal by our very own legislators who conjours up this plan for employers to save & make money. Not even the ability for us to get assistance to open up a small business. There was NOTHING made available for us to move upward or forward, certainly no medical care, just all of it going backwards into extreme poverty, pain & many are still angry at the deliberate injustice of it all. This was a cunning operation if I ever saw one & certainly not a coincidence. The American people got robbed in more ways than one. AND I will reiterate that those who were fully disabled according to their own doctors & the SSA, the employers got to minimize our injuries and illnesses, even change the medical evidence, diagnosis & treatment care via false WC insurance doctor reports just so we would not get our pensions & our comp but only SSI instead. One of our country's grand ripoffs to the boomers. The same attorneys from the employer would actually say to the SSA that IW's got much more than they did so the SSDI payments would be less. Others just got to go to SSI based on SSA false reporting & fraud. So there's plenty of fraud to go around & yet NO accountability by either the corporations or the government. They protect each other while we down in destitution & pain with no future.

  6. Boomers destroyed America with personal greed. It will take decades to repair the neglect the self centered generation created. A simple bump in SSA tax of .25% would have made the system viable for more than 100 years. Boomers didn't want to pay taxes for the future of themselves or for the infrastructure of the country. Now we pay the price.

    Look at the Boomer crop for President.

  7. SSI were not injured or sick on the job. They weren't working or they would be Title II. They haven't made enough and/or pain in enough to have Disability insurance. They are receiving welfare off our taxes. Shouldn't even be part of Social Security. Inflates the liability.
