
Apr 2, 2016

Social Security Headcount Holds Steady

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has posted updated figures for the number of employees at the Social Security Administration as of the end of calendar year 2015:
  • December 2015 65,518
  • September 2015 65,717
  • June 2015 65,666
  • March 2015 64,432
  • December 2014 65,430
  • September 2014 64,684
  • June 2014 62,651
  • March 2014 60,820
  • December 2013 61,957
  • September 2013 62,543
  • June 2013 62,877
  • March 2013 63,777
  • December 2012 64,538
  • September 2012 65,113
  • September 2011 67,136
  • December 2010 70,270
  • December 2009 67,486
  • September 2009 67,632
  • December 2008 63,733
  • September 2008 63,990


  1. Hope I can reduce the number this year. Early out! Early out! Early out! Please!!!

  2. Always fascinates me how even with SSA pushing so much work off on to the public with electronic processes (I realize it doesn't eliminate all work on the back end by SSA), and the number of employees remaining rather steady over time, the quality and timeliness of service from SSA continues to decline.

    1. Because my office limits what you can work on OT. You can't just work your "old" cases, you have to work whatever has been determined a priority. Then, you write those cases on a log sheet so they can make sure you're doing what you're supposed to do...kinda like kindergarten.

  3. Check their Facebook pages.

  4. What percentage of claims are filed over the internet? I believe over 50% in most offices. In the office I am in there are 2 people working those while the other 22 CRs are doing other work. Claims filed online without an attorney (and with sometimes)are frequently disasters that require calling the person back to get more info or to clarify what they have done. Between leads, false leads (kids 40 yrs old that are not disabled), wrong month of election choices, incorrect routing numbers and many more issues, internet is a real hassle. No one wants to deal with that hassle so they assign the newest folks to do it and they can't keep up and don't know about some of the more complicated scenarios.

  5. Early out 2016 was announced on Thursday. Praise the Lord.
