
Apr 15, 2016

Still No Action On Eanes Nomination

     The Senate Finance Committee scheduled a meeting for March 2 to consider the nomination of Andrew Lamont Eanes to become Deputy Commissioner of Social Security but the meeting was later "postponed." It's never been rescheduled. I'd think that if it were a simple scheduling issue, it would have been rescheduled by now. It sounds like there's a more serious problem. If there is a problem, it may not be with the Eanes nomination. There were three other nominations scheduled for consideration at that time. If there's a problem, it may be with one of the other nominations. Even if the problem is with another nomination, at the least, it's certainly delayed the Eanes nomination.


  1. I hear Colvin doesn't want him confirmed. If he is confirmed as DCOSS, he immediately becomes Acting COSS.

  2. the comment on 181:29 is wrong........even if confirmed, he doesn't immediatately become acting COSS unless the President appoints him.

    the Senate Finance committee is scheduled to meet on the nomination on Monday - April 18 @ 5 PM

  3. 12:21AM, stated, "even if confirmed, he doesn't immediately become acting COSS unless the President appoints him." You are wrong. Comment at 1:29PM stated, "even if confirmed, he doesn't immediately become acting COSS unless the President appoints him." This is absolutely correct.

    As reference, please refer to Posts on this Blog from March 1 & 2, 2016 concerning this very issue, as well as to the 17th comment to the Post below entitled, "Eric Conn's Former Clients Get Some Help," which I made and states in part, "What about the cover-up recently which Acting Commissioner Colvin is involved? There are reasons she was not confirmed SSA Commissioner or re-nominated by the President. Moreover, look at the shenanigans involved with Eanes’ confirmation hearing postponed in early March followed by assertions from top Agency officials that Colvin would not be giving up her power as Acting SSA Commissioner, but merely stepping down to presumably an SES position with the President’s permission (Executive Order), which is contrary to the law and heretofore unheard of. The convincing evidence intimates Colvin is protecting wrongdoers whose acts have been confirmed by appropriate investigative authorities."

    This is the "serious problem" referenced in the immediate Post. I can assure you that I have been in communication with the Senate Finance Committee and its Chairman, Senator Orrin Hatch, and enlightened them as to this entire situation, just as I was immediately before the December 2014 confirmation hearings for several appointees before the holidays when Colvin was not confirmed.

    Bottom line is wrongdoing is wrongdoing, illegal is illegal, prohibited personnel practices are prohibited personnel practices, and criminal is criminal, regardless of the countless ways top management tries to, "pretty and dress it up."

  4. LOL ya gotta get up pretty early to beat the bots these days...

  5. After reading 11:27s post I am off to add another layer of aluminum foil to my armadillo helmet to protect me from further government brain scans.

    1. Ah, here we go with the Crazy-Making Abuse some more. Ain't gonna work anymore - Everyone's on to you. IDIOT.
