
May 25, 2016

Being Prepared

     Here's a short excerpt from a hospital record on one of my clients: "Pt has drill bit set beside bed. When asked why he brought it with him, pt states 'In case I need to cut off my leg.' Dr. ______ notified."


  1. it would make sense if he brought a saw, but not sure how a drill bit set will help cut off a leg.

  2. This was used as evidence for low intellectual functioning.

  3. Or evidence as high intellectual functioning. I had a decision today that said the claimant reports that she rarely leaves the house, but she attends monthly doctor appointments. Enjoy hell.

  4. 10:03 PM Are you actually saying that an ALJ (DDS?) actually used going to a doctor once a month as evidence that contradicted her statement, "...that she rarely leaves the house..." and then used that "evidence" to deny her? Wow!!! And I thought Roger Goodell was an AHMF with his head up his a**!!!!!

  5. 10:03 PM Please, call your local media and get them on your side. Only public media pressure can get SSA to do the right thing in some cases, especially with constant whining from a few misguided/misinformed? members of Congress (Senators Lankford, Cotton & Rand Paul).

  6. Let me guess...the ALJ found him capable of "simple" work tasks, because of his admitted ability to cut off his leg with a drill bit. Case denied.

  7. So "acting crazy or desperate" is the answer...seems staged.
