
May 21, 2016

Social Security To Track Disability Claims Related To Flint Water Contamination

     The Social Security Administration has decided to start tracking disability claims related to the lead contamination in the Flint, MI water supply. They're not going to treat the claims differently; just track them.


  1. If the EPA would have done its job instead of trying to go after farmers for every puddle in their fields maybe this would have been avoided!

  2. I thought it was interesting that they sent the Flint instructions to every office nationwide but other than on this blog we've heard nothing about the Conn cases.

  3. The Conn case is everywhere, tons of processing instructions in the HALLEX, Republicans in Congress in 48 states rushing to condemn ALJs and get the Conn-class recipents under review, Republicans in the other 2 states scrambling to protect their Conn-class constituents from having their benefits reviewed, and national news when arrests were made.

  4. Maybe HALLEX, which the FO does not use, but not one word in FO instructions. No talking points in case someone asks about it after seeing it in the news, nothing. But a thousand miles from Flint, I get instructions on how to process one of their claims just in case someone moves to my state? Just seems odd. Well, maybe not odd for SSA I guess!

  5. We have a large number of clients from the Flint area. It is just tragic hearing their stories. Had a client detail in a hearing the other day how her and her children's hair starting falling out and rashes started appearing from drinking the water. I'm glad to hear that SSA is finally this situation. The stories of the ongoing health problems and Flint residents may be the biggest part of this story.
