
Jun 21, 2016

Another Sign That The American Right Has Lost Its Mind

     The Wall Street Journal seems disappointed that Donald Trump doesn't share their zeal for "Social Security reform." Of course, "Social Security reform" to them is code for cutting Social Security. It's hard to believe that any sophisticated person would think that any major party Presidential candidate would campaign on cutting Social Security. This is a sign of just how far the American right has departed from political sanity.


  1. The poor far right politicians have to walk a tightrope. If they don't appear like they want to cut Social Security, a shrill tea party mob will fund serious competition the next time they run for office.

    If they clearly say they want to cut Social Security then they are basically committing political suicide. Too many voters depend on and like the Social Security program. What's a poor far right politician to do? Some attempt to solve this dilemma by publicly claiming they are trying "save and reform" Social Security, while winking at the far right and brandishing a figurative dagger at the program's back, taking swipes when they think nobody is looking.

  2. They are already cutting Social Security. No COLA, and expensive Medicare co-pays and co-insurance. People are being deceived if they think the cuts are not happening.

  3. Donald trump has already stated that we will continue SS WITHOUT THE CUTS, cuts will not be needed if there are more jobs and more people paying into the system. Mexico and China do not withhold SS money for the US.

  4. You are implying they had a mind to lose.

  5. How about the reform to eliminate the Government Pension Offset?

  6. Donald Trumph, as he often does, has spoken out of both sides of his mouth on the issue of social security cuts. Can't trust the man to protect social security.
