
Jun 11, 2016

Employment Rate Of Older Americans Soars


  1. White supremacy you get what u vote for


  3. it's called education. With a [good] education, many jobs that pay well can be performed well into the 70's. For people that like to work and get paid well, there's no reason to stop.

    Both my inlaws are 70+ and continue to work 40 hours per week...

  4. Just maybe the seniors just cannot live on the meager SSA benefits with the costs of everything. Besides a hefty mortgage or even rent, there are out of the world costs utilities like gas, electric, water, sewer and the electronic costs of phone, T.V. computer, food prices are astronomical,the prices of having to have medical, life and home or rent insurances, then there are the everyday necessities like medications, toiletries and other personal items. Forget about going out anywhere for decent shoes or clothing much less going to a restaurant or even to a movie. Living on 800 or a little more per month does not allow anyone to live decently. So I understand why so many seniors have to go back to work. Most do not have any choice!

    1. Sure, some things happen that are unfortunate or out of one's control...but not planning for retirement (aside from SSA) is a recipe for NO RETIREMENT.

  5. Actually, the Baby Boomers are the last of the work ethic babies. They were taught to work and enjoy it. Once they are gone, the economy is going to take a hit as the middle class dies and the worker bees have left.

  6. Ha, the increases in productivity during Boomers' prime working years had way more to do with women entering the workforce in large numbers and the advent of computing. My generation is increasing productivity despite a terrible world, crappy job prospects, and so many of us having student loan debt and no hope for good futures hanging over our heads, meanwhile back in Boomer days anybody who got a college degree could basically fall into a good job and be in middle mgmt. making six figures within a decade or so.

    Also, thanks for all the military spending and tax cuts, all but guaranteeing us a really crappy next generation or two! That was awesome!

  7. Yeah, we didn't have any of the WWII or Viet Nam debt, did we? I would like to know how your generation is increasing productivity. GDP doesn't support that at all. Why would you have student loans hanging over your heads with no hope for a good future? No one said you had to go to college. Why didn't you go into the military so you could use the GI Bill to go to college? Try throwing hay bales for $.25 an hour. Life is so hard for you young ones, isn't it? Still working at 70 and enjoying it. Cry me a river.

  8. How does a 24 year military(honorably); 90% rated VA disabled veteran get denied social security disability benefits? Does one need to be of a certain race, religion,color, or creed? 610-417-3139
