
Jul 28, 2016

List Of Those Disqualified From Representing Claimants

     Social Security has recently posted a list of attorneys and others who have been sanctioned for misconduct in representing claimants before the agency. It's a longer list than I would have thought although it does go back more than 30 years. I only counted five names added to the list in the year before this was posted. He's not representing clients before the agency now anyway but Eric Conn's name isn't on the list.


  1. This is like so many other government lists in that once you are on you never get off the list, even if you are dead. Does anyone ever bother to purge the list?

  2. Should we really worry about dead people on the list? After all, tts not likely that they will try to represent anyone in the future, although I know a few representatives who are, in my opinion, brain dead but continue to take cases.

    Why isn't Eric Conn on the list?

    1. He's not representing anyone before them currently and it's easier to just let a federal judge take the trash out for you than to clean up your own mess. That would look too much like accepting responsibility for the blatant mismanagement that allowed him to happen in the first place.

  3. Also, OIG and OGC don't go to the bathroom before a US Attorney clears them to do it first.

  4. LOL more attorneys on the list than non-attorneys, interesting!
