
Jul 9, 2016

Why Wouldn't Democratic Platform Endorse Expanding Social Security?

     From the Washington Post:
The Democratic National Committee added a call for a $15 minimum wage to its 2016 platform, a victory for progressives produced by a deal between supporters of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Just an hour later, however, Clinton-loyal members of the platform committee defeated two amendments that would have committed the party to expanding Social Security — a moment marked by cries of "Shame!" and "Are you Democrats?" from Sanders supporters sitting in the observation area of the Hilton hotel where the party was meeting.


  1. lots of reasons, first we can't afford it.

  2. Straw man alert!

    Of course we can afford it, all it would take is a simple raise on the cap for OASDI contributions.

  3. LOOKS like Hillary & her democratic crew are really tea party republicans. Raise the caps. Is is simple as that! They do it on the average working class why not on the "upper" elites like her who have plenty of money to spare because they don't pay much of anything anymore.

  4. @ 5:33 "because they don't pay much of anything anymore." I am admittedly in the top few percent (family income of about $390k last year). If you think my tax bill is not "much of anything." you are delusional.

    Yes, I have a good lifestyle, but it comes after a total of 13 years of postgraduate training between my wife and me. I am not a job creator or small business owner, but I do pay lots of taxes already. Eliminating the cap would cost me approximately $18,000..that's real money.

  5. To a democrat, there is never enough of other peoples' money to redistribute.

  6. Say what you want, but the cap must be raised. This is simple and absolutely necessary. Moreover, raising the cap would effect many - not just the 1%. If Hillary and the Democrats refuse to incorporate this into their platform, I will be looking elsewhere to cast my vote.

  7. Anonymous at 7:45. Congrats to you and your spouse for obtaining the good life. I too am in the top few percent -- although being single not nearly at the level you are. I, however, favor completely eliminating the cap. We need a Social Security system that provides a true safety net.

  8. How about those receiving SSA benefits get at least the same COLA's given to federal employees?

  9. How about those receiving SSA benefits get at least the same COLA's given to federal employees?

    10:35 PM, July 11, 2016

    Yeah, the three years without a COLA for feds would have gone over well with beneficiaries!

  10. 7:45 PM wrote: "Eliminating the cap would cost me approximately $18,000..that's real money."

    Sure, it's real money. But thanks to a concept called marginal utility, you losing $18,000 just means one less European vacation or recreational vehicle. If you're going to argue in favor of the Social Security cap, pointing out the very modest hit to your upper-class lifestyle is not a persuasive talking point.

  11. @ 10:57

    It's always easy to take money from others. When it hits you personally, let me know.

  12. @ 11:09AM,

    With a 6 figure income for several years, it has hit me personally. However, I have observed others close to me benefit from SSA disability and other benefits. Some of those individuals had 6 figure incomes for years too, until an unexpected disability suddenly rendered them unable to work. They never saw it coming, or had anytime to plan for it. Be careful what you say, this could just as easily happen to you, or someone close to you.

  13. 1109, I am sure that your thought, like all good republicans is that "the poor will always be with us". How do people like you sleep at night? Oh that's right, you have that 30k bed to slumber on. Good grief.

    You and others like you are so opposed to a decent safety net. Just remember that some day you will be old and frail while the latest generation of poor will be even more desperate than the current one. A gated community only goes so far. Think about it.

  14. HILARIOUS!!! The video Hillary Clinton Does Not Want You To See. Must Watch! Hillary Clinton tried to ban this video! But Hillary Can't Hide THIS Anymore!'t-Want-You-To-Know
