
Sep 24, 2016

If You Just Can't Stomach Clinton Or Trump

     If you can't stomach either Clinton or Trump you might consider voting for the Libertarian Party candidate, Gary Johnson. However, before you do, you might take a look at some of his positions. For one, he's in favor of abolishing Social Security. Not modifying Social Security. Abolishing it.


  1. THERE is no good choice in 2016. What if nobody voted because they can't stomach any of them? A terrible election year and I don't want to vote for any of them. That's a dilemma, quandry for someone who always votes, over 50 years, but with no resemblance of a real candidate to vote this 2016 election, it's still all up in the air for many & me.

  2. My favorite synopsis:

    Clinton lies about her emails and Foundation.

    Trump lies about EVERYTHING!

  3. The new iPhone doesn't have a headphone jack but the new Galaxy literally explodes, is a good way to sum up this election.

  4. People are really undecided? There's only one serious candidate in this election. Hint: She's not the white supremacist/misogynist

  5. Seriously? You mean the corrupt, lying woman who's heroes include Margaret Sanger? In case you are totally uninformed, Margaret Sanger's goals included "to exterminate the Negro population" and to "Give dysgenic groups (people with "bad genes") in our population their choice of segregation or (compulsary) sterilization." These are not random "gaffes." This is what she devoted her whole life to!

  6. According to SSA's Office of General Counsel, even casual conversations in the workplace about the presidential election violate the Hatch Act. For example, it would not be appropriate to talk to a coworker about the debate skit on SNL. I do not remember them taking it to this extreme in 2012.
