
Sep 8, 2016

New Mental Impairment Listings Approved But Won't Be Published Until December

     The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has finished reviewing Social Security's proposed amendments to the agency's Listings on mental illness and intellectual disability and has approved them. The Listings are a major part of Social Security's policies on evaluating mental illness in disability claims. 
     The process that produced this dates all the way back to 2003. This particular draft was first published in 2010. 
     This proposal has been extremely controversial. Normally, new regulations are published in the Federal Register within a week or two after OMB approval. They come into effect thereafter. However, Social Security recently told the National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representatives (NOSSCR) that it was not planning to publish the revisions to the mental impairment Listings until December. This strongly suggests to me that the agency knows the new mental impairment Listings will be controversial and wishes to put off releasing them until after the election. They want to dump them in the Federal Register during the holiday season with the transition to a new administration underway. 
     I've been representing Social Security disability claimants since 1979. Disability claimants suffering from mental illness are being treated the worst now that they're been treated since about 1983. Claimants with intellectual disability are being treated worse now than at any time in my career. I expect the new Listings will try to crystallize the current restrictive policies. What a legacy for Carolyn Colvin.

1 comment:

  1. Any chance it's going to address those awful useless GAF scores?
