
Oct 3, 2016

This Is Outrageous

     From a recent report by Social Security's Office of Inspector General (OIG) (emphasis added):
We continue to find that SSA [Social Security Administration] needs to improve controls to ensure it pays child beneficiaries’ withheld benefits pending the selection of a representative payee. Based on our random sample, we estimate that SSA did not pay 6,615 beneficiaries approximately $9.2 million in withheld benefits.
Finally, we estimate that SSA only paid 2,423 of the 13,464 beneficiaries we identified during our 2010 audit. This occurred, in part, because SSA did not send letters to 4,233 beneficiaries and pay 214 beneficiaries who were in current pay on another record. ...


  1. What exactly is outrageous? The correct payment of child's benefits to a qualified payee is an important and not always easy action--especially where multiple records are involved. These payments may be delayed but are not being denied. OIG continues to cherry pick items...when they should be investigating and solving real fraud. Example the TENS OF MILLIONS of overpaid dollars on the record of centenarians and Medicare non users found dead. Someone has/spent those millions.

  2. If Congress would fully fund SSA things would improve. As it is they are swimming against the current.

  3. Yep I know they robbed me and my children...they dod not pay me off my work history I found out money was going out for years I found out through child support and have a print out from child support saying that I was getting ssd but was not I was denied in 2011 and was not getting the full benifit before 2011 then they said at ssd that I had a 50,000 overpayment to pay back but had never collected 50,000 there so messed up at social security mind you I was homeless while someone else was collecting my work history money amd very..very still very..very there giving me a problem but God is great...because I have my attorney on stand by...were waiting on there..response I go in the office they treat me like crap..and they know that O have id thieft but refuse to change my social security number...obvious they know necause they werr giving my money to a fraud girl posing as me...smh im sock and stressed and have proof from child support that tjey so called was giving me ssd and were not...child support said the ssd benifit was being collected in another state...smh im in cali and have been...never left smh...there screwed up in social security

  4. SSA is getting worse at accounting apparently. Numerous stories are cropping up where aged SS recipients are not getting their money.

    It's either incompetence or corruption. Probably a little of both.

    1. Well, last time I checked, the field offices didn't employ any accountants, maybe they should?

  5. Some improvement might be gained if management were to stop beating employees with the production index stick and start putting more efforts into creating a positive culture of customer service,
