
Dec 9, 2016

You Heard It Here First

     The Washington Post has picked up on the story about declining service at Social Security field offices. I posted about this yesterday. I'll keep saying it. Come January 20, the GOP is the 100% owner of the terrible service at Social Security. I expect far more media attention to these problems.


  1. So the 1% social security tax that Obama cut has nothing to do with any of the problems that Social Security has? How special...

  2. Exactly nothing, the staff of SSA comes from a budget appropriation done by Congress not from the SSA tax. Knowledge is power become informed!

  3. And 11:57 drops the mic...

  4. I appreciate that the article appropriately (in my opinion) points out this decline in service is directly related to the poor funding. Or, at least that's the tone I picked up. If you are one of those folks who wants reduced government spending, you better also be okay with reduced government services. And yes, that includes wait times, delayed checks, etc.
