
Jan 6, 2017

No Announcement Of Colvin Resignation

     Probably there's nothing to make of it but there's been no announcement that Acting Social Security Commissioner Carolyn Colvin is resigning. There had been several reports that she was not planning to stay in her job into the next administration. It's only two weeks to inauguration day. If she has already resigned effective on some day in the future, I would expect an announcements from Social Security and a press release from the White House thanking her for her service.
     Colvin's term as Deputy Commissioner of Social Security ended some time ago but the law allows her to continue in office until a successor is confirmed. She can also stay as Acting Commissioner until a new Commissioner is confirmed unless the new President designates someone else to be Acting Commissioner.


  1. There is a farewell reception for her being held the morning of Wednesday, January 18 in Woodlawn. Despite there being no announcement, I think it is safe to say Colvin will no longer be ACOSS after Friday, January 20.

  2. several of her innner circle have also announced their departures and retirements as well.

  3. 2:19

    If you know names, let em out. The world will know soon enough.

  4. good riddens, total hack that did nothing to improve operations and spent most of her time kissing the union's behind. not a trump supporter but she really was as bad as it could get being a management official in a local field office.

  5. She announced to SSA staff late last year that her term ends at noon on January 20th.

    Chief Judge Bice is going to the STL NAC for two months as a line judge and retiring in March.

  6. yes chief judge Bice is leaving in the very near future and a new chief has been named. out of curiosity is there word on any appeals council changes? that place has always been a mystery so someone speak up. odd how they don't interact with the rest of odar that much.

  7. Are the AC people even allowed to speak with outsiders? I'm convinced they are a cult.

  8. Who's the new Chief? John Allen?

  9. to @3:00pm:

    not convinced they're a cult although there are some urban legends, but certainly they're isolated. I know aljs go there for details but you never hear of their judges coming our way unless its someone who left permanently for the hearings operations. former ac people spook me with their zombie apocalypse eyes. makes you wonder what horrors they've seen in falls church.

  10. @4:48 if Allen becomes Chief Judge that would be laughable. He was a hack as a line judge and was not much of a rep before he became an ALJ. He has only risen to his current position because he has known whose behind to show affection to.

  11. uncertain of public name release but its not Allen.

  12. Bice won't be missed, the sooner she goes the better. She rose to the position of Chief Judge without ever bothering to learn what Merit System Principles and Prohibited Personnel Practices are. It boggles the mind that such a study in willed ignorance was ever in a position to judge anything.

    1. @8:42

      So Chief Judge Bice was the top heavy power broker who supported former Atlanta ROCALJ Ollie Garmon's refusal to abide by Merit System Principles and repeated Prohibited Personnel Practices, and obstructed efforts to hold him accountable. Interesting.

  13. New CALJ is Pat Nagel from Region 4. AC judges can't go to the hearing operation as judges because they are not ALJs. They have not been screened by OPM. They are hired internally directly by SSA, usually former OGC or AC Appeals Officers.

  14. Correct 10:18 AM, AC judges are under a different hiring authority than hearing office judges and so they have a more restricted movement. I'm sure the agency would like to use AC judges in a wider capacity but can't at this point. It may all change if the Supreme Court eventually upholds the Bandimere case. Could end up changing the whole process and hand the agency full control over how it selects and hires judges. As all judges would have to come in as direct hires by the Commissioner. Read the ALJ constitutionality entry on this blog for details.

    score card:
    Colvin out
    Bice out
    Nagel in
    no word if Deputy Commissnioner will change
    no word on AC changes

  15. Ruby Burrell Is also out.

  16. Well who will we blame everything on when not one damn thing changes?

  17. Apparently "Merit System Principles and repeated Prohibited Personnel Practices" and one Regional ALJ are the cause of the whole backlog and every problem with SSA.

    Good thing thing Congress is going to repeal the entire civil service system, then everything will be put to right.

  18. @1:15

    SSA/ODAR Management Practices which have a documented and repeated history of not adhering to Merit System Principles and engagement in outlandish Prohibited Personnel Practices have significantly contributed to the backlog over a period of several years. You do not illegally force out Supervisory and Senior Attorneys, and other career Federal employees, who have successfully worked for the Agency 2 & 3 decades, promote less qualified, or lacking Agency experience in their stead, and not expect it to have repercussions. When you multiply the magnitude of this over a period of several years, coupled with top Management Officials who cover up and protect Managers who engage in these illegal practices from being held accountable in any meaningful way, these illegal management practices are part and parcel of a management team that is wholly inept and incompetent.

    Keep in mind, many of the Yahoo's in Falls Church and Baltimore were favorites who were illegally selected for management positions by predecessors who were equally corrupt and only interested in protecting their wallets and favorites, at any cost. Some of these Yahoo's even returned in recent years as reemployed annuitants to insure their authoritarian, outdated, and illegal management practices continue and remain set in stone despite the complete lack of relevance they have to managing a workforce in the 21st century.

    So, you have a management team that is wrongly focused on production numbers/quotas at every employee level; more concerned with time and attendance via laptops, the old asses in seats at all times mantra, than with reducing the backlog; a Chief Judge who issued a memo requiring all ALJ's to type writing instructions, telling those who cannot type to use Dragon, at remarkably the same time SA 27 was forced out; persistent refusal to reinstate the original STDP Senior Attorney Program, a proven historical success at reducing the backlog, because their predecessors/ reemployed annuitants, despised the Senior Attorney Program from the very start, and targeted a Supervisory Attorney and SA 27 who desperately fought for the SA Program when these Yahoo's did everything to destroy it in the late 1990's; then, turn around and propose AJ's, then term limited ALJ's to reduce the backlog ridiculously thinking such initiatives could ever be implemented in meaningful time to reduce the backlog, when Senior Attorneys were already in field offices and could start reducing the backlog immediately with reinstatement of STDP; and the list goes on and on.

    Finally, a mere 3 Yahoo!'s leaving, as per above, hardly equates with draining the swamp. In fact, it is barely a drop in the bucket and will not cause any changes in management of the Agency. Many of the same ole, same ole Yahoo's are apparently going to try to dig in and stay with the new administration, and run the Agency with their same old corrupt, inept, illegal and wrong headed management and personnel policies of yester year with the backlog continuing to grow.

  19. SA27 is writing in the third-person again.

  20. @7:59

    SA 27 is an abbreviation for Senior Attorney with ODAR for 27+ years who was illegally forced out for no good reason.

  21. Cringing over the clown that Chump will choose to head the SSA.

  22. While I also cringe over what the "Chump clown" may do to Social Security and Medicare, I hope "Chump clown" and Company has enough sense to recognize the failed management of the disability components of the Agency, in particular, and fully cleans house at the top.

  23. Stacey Rodgers last day 20th

  24. SA27 is an abbreviation for a disgruntled former employee who extrapolates his personal employment situation to be the root cause of every failure throughout the entire agency on every post on this blog.

  25. 1:14 PM HER, not his. Her EXAMPLE of management wrongdoing and other examples she has given that demonstrate mismanagement of SSA. Both have been well documented on this blog, as has SSA management propagandists/TROLLS.

  26. SA 27 here. Thank you for telling the truth, Tim, and for your support. I sincerely apprecitat it.

    Commenter 1:14PM on Jan 10, 2017, is a TROLL!

    Many, including me, have personally experienced, corroborated and substantiated numerous allegations which have been made on this blog, court cases, contacts and hearngs with Congress, OSC, EEOC, MSPB, news and watchdog reports, etc.
    The TROLL's remarks are made out of fear from having been exposed by high level, well educated successful SSA/ODAR employees with many years, if not decades, of Agency experience, including Supervisory Attorneys, Senior Attorneys, Regional Attorneys, and other career Federal employees who have been wrongfully targeted by a management team which over a period of several years has shown no respect for the law.

    SSA/ODAR management is abysmal. There is NO ACCOUNTABILITY WHATSOEVER FOR EVEN BLATANT MISCONDUCT AND WRONGDOING, and this simply cannot continue. When you have Chief ALJ Bice demonstrate willful ignorance of Merit System Principles and Prohibited Personnel Practices, and upper management, including the Acting Commissioner, bend over backwards to not only cover up and protect wrongdoers and those who engaged in misconduct from being held accountable, but pat them on them back, and placate them by allowing an entire ODAR Hearings Office to relocate a few miles from a former ROCALJ's home, inconvenient to everyone but him, you have one HELL of a problem which must finally be addressed and rectified. This type of cronyism, which the TROLL embraces out of self-interest, cannot be allowed to continue, and those who have participated in it must all be held accountable. I know I, and others, will not personally stop until there is accountability.
