
Jan 15, 2017

Representing Social Security Disability Claimants Is Just A Laughfest

     This happened some years ago. A client told me about being in the emergency room several times recently with chest pain so I wrote to request the emergency room reports. The reports came in. The client had not been admitted. The chest pain seemed to be esophagitis. In case you don't know, esophageal pain is quite common and it can seem very, very much like angina. It sometimes seems to me that everyone eventually ends up in the emergency room because of esophagitis.
      There was another emergency room report that I wasn't expecting concerning a different problem. My client wanted help removing a vibrator that was stuck up his anus. Seriously. A little experimentation with the help of his girlfriend according to the report. We respect our clients but we got a chuckle out of that one until we got a call later that day saying that the client had just died of a heart attack. Seriously.


  1. I had a case where the gentleman had a shot glass shatter in his anus. Had to get a colostomy. ("Rectum? Damn near killed 'em!")

    He had another ED visit, this time it was a candle.

    On both occasions, he said his girlfriend did the deed while he was passed out. You'd think after the first time, he would have gotten a new girlfriend.

  2. these are pretty great stories.

  3. It's like that great American healer, potboiler, and statesman from the the great rugged individualist state of Texas, the honorable Ron Paul says these people are nothing but degenerats. This is where my tax money is going to support a bunch of preverts? Return to the Lord God and the American Way immediately! Do not pass GO! God Bless Lee Greenwood, the honorable DR Ron Paul and our president Donald M. Trump!

  4. I think you all are missing the big picture. First of all there are plenty of lawyers with peccadilloes, so really not sure what is going on with the comments.

    However, the real issue is that this poor person, who maybe was on medicaid or not insured at all and probably did not look too respectable to boot, went to the hospital because he had chest pains. Instead of being completely worked up or held "for observation", he was shunted out of the ER and told that he had nothing more than a tummy ache. He then proceeded to die of a heart attack.

    If any of you think that is acceptable or funny, I find you repulsive. Where is your compassion?

    Charles, its your board by all means, but maybe posting this wasn't the best idea.

  5. I think what you'really trying to say is that the wait is very stressful, and the process is a pain in the a$$!!!

  6. 10:31 very smart observation

  7. Glad SSD is a no-fault system for the most part. Crazy things.
