
Feb 12, 2017

A Poll


  1. I put down worse than expected because I thought he would back down off of some of his campaign rhetoric. I now think the man is insane. God help us get through the next 4 years.

  2. Trump is a master of misdirection -- he makes a stupid tweet, the media goes nuts over it. The campaign rhetoric is what is staying in the news, and probably providing cover for whatever he is doing behind the scenes that we don't know about yet.

    I'm sure that, by the time he is done, they'll spend the next 50 years making parallels to Nixon.

  3. Dito 3:29, He made random campaign promises without much thought or planning or knowledge of policy
    Now to prove that he isn't the biggest liar that Washington has ever seen he is going through that artibrary checklist without any consideration for their impact on American lives. Be careful what you wish for America it might come true. His supporters are the most scared and angrier now.

  4. worse than I expected because I thought he might have some progressive tendencies based on his past positions. I should have known better; his VP and cabinet picks are an absolute parade of horribles.

  5. I expected bad. Its far worse. Every day a new Sh** storm.

    He hasn't turned his eye to Social Security yet,

    May God have mercy on our souls.

  6. Taking active voting people's money will likey invoke very primitive reactions that are not pleasant. I feel like I'm watching a Fellini film. The man has got to self distruct soon. Whatever remnant of sanity possessed is bursting at the seams.

  7. Worse then I expected in the people he has picked for his cabinet (and have been confirmed!) are inexperienced billionaires intent in getting rid of the very agencies they are heading. Then there is Bannon who is pure evil. And the Republican congress who seem content to look the other way at the blatant corruption and lies. I was hoping that he would have reasonable advisors... Beginning to wonder if "reasonable republican" is an oxymoron.

  8. Most of the voting comes from libs. Trump will not get a real vote here.

  9. @1:41 It actually seems to mirror his national approval rating which is historically low for a new president. 40 some odd percent if I am not mistaken.

  10. As long as Trump keeps promising Congressional Republicans the tax cuts and gutted healthcare stuff they and their fellow richy rich donors so badly want, they are willing to look the other way (even blatantly contradicting things they swore to only months ago) on pretty much anything. Pathetic.

  11. You need a choice for "as bad as I expected, but in ways I did not envision".
