
Feb 23, 2017

He Felt He Was Getting The Run-Around

     From the Patriot-News:
A Harrisburg [PA] man is accused of threatening to go into the Social Security office in Harrisburg and start shooting, Capitol police say.
Rodney Deavers, 46, of Harrisburg, was charged Feb. 11 with making terroristic threats and harassment. He was released on $10,000 bail.
Deavers is accused of threatening to go into the Social Security office on Walnut Street "and start shooting," said Troy Thompson, spokesman for Capitol police. ...
Deavers told police he was upset with how his claim for disability/workman's compensation was progressing and felt he was "being given the run-around," Thompson said.


  1. Now he can sit in the prison and enjoy his disability benefits earnings.

  2. @1:59

    20 CFR 404.468 and 416.211 states benefits are terminated while in prison (or jail).

  3. This is the new plan to improve the solvency of the trust funds. make claimants angry enough to commit a felony, have them incarcerated, and thus ineligible for benefits.

    1. Put them in a Sessions sanctioned private prison.

  4. As a CR I was threatened with the machete the NH slept with under his pillow, spit at by an active HIV case, and we had white powder delivered in the mail and a guy with a walk in with a 5 gallon Molotov Cocktail. Great place to work.

  5. @5:37

    5 gallons of gasoline is 30 pounds. That's got to be at least medium exertion. What was his RFC?

  6. The happy client list keeps growing. I don't know how the 1-800 and general office staff do it. The scenario is ugly for them, too. I went thru five SSA employees to get one accurate answer to a question. There is always one Yoda out there at SSA if you prevail and find them. (Competent and intelligent and able to nuance the situation.) The poor sucker was probably subject to terrible delays compounded by disinterest, and snapped. That's my random guess.

    1. He has a lengthy criminal history that includes stalking, criminal mischief, burglary, and drug possession. My guess is he snapped long before this run-in with SSA.

  7. 20 CFR 404.468 and 416.211 states benefits are terminated while in prison (or jail).

    Almost. There needs to be conviction for a felony or the like. While incarcerated prior to conviction, benefits under Title II can continue. Once convicted, no benefits paid for time inside. For Title XVI, no payment while inmate of a State institution whether convicted or not.

  8. As a CR I was just mildly threatened by someone who said they should come in and do some shooting to get their benefits sooner. There was no delay at all as it was a retirement claim and it sounded as if they were solely kidding but I wanted to tell them they shouldn't say that where others can hear of they may get an unfriendly visit from the federal police.

  9. Moderate limitation in social interaction. Claim denied.
