
Mar 14, 2017

Central Offices Closed

     A message from Social Security:
Social Security Administration (SSA) offices at headquarters and the Baltimore Metropolitan area will be closed on Tuesday, March 14, 2017 [by a large snowfall]. ITC and Falls Church offices should continue to monitor and follow OPM guidance.
     Somebody correct me if I'm wrong but I'll guess that ITC stands for the International Trade Center, a large government office building in Washington, and I'll also guess that's where the Commissioner's office is. I've never understood why it's better for the Commissioner's office to be there rather than in Woodlawn. There must be a fair amount of time wasted by staffers who have to travel into Washington for meetings at the Commissioner's office.


  1. Commish main office is on the ninth floor of the Altmeyer building in Woodlawn. I think there is like a secondary office somewhere in DC but day to day is in Woodlawn.

    DC and Falls Church are on 3 hour delay opening

  2. Some policy offices and the Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs are at the ITC, which is less than a mile from Capitol Hill and CBO and about a block from the SSAB. It's also more convenient for the folks who do regulatory work and need to go to OMB. But it's a pretty small space. Woodlawn is orders of magnitude larger.

  3. ITC is the International Trade Commission Building. SSA has the top two floors.

  4. As stated, there are staff with a need to be in DC located there as well as conference and meeting space and a few senior executives have permanent offices there as well for use when in DC on business. Others have access to "swing space" offices that can be used on an as needed basis (Say someone has meetings with the VA or other DC based agencies, they can use ITC as their office if it's more convenient for the situation.) Different commissioners are different about the need to be in DC. Being in DC is unavoidable, so the space means one can be productive when there. The commute between DC and Woodlawn is sucky, even with a driver or on a bus, and few in Woodlawn want the disruption of having to go to ITC for a meeting. Thankfully one can video conference if needed.

  5. I believe that because SSA is an independent agency, by statute, SSA must have a headquarters office in DC.
