
Mar 19, 2017

Is This Legit?

     Here's a website that says it's figured out a path to follow when calling Social Security's 800 number so that one can get to a human with less delay. They say the average delay when calling that number is 36 minutes, which is a lot more than Social Security claims. They also offer, for a price that's not stated, to wait on hold for you and then call you back when there's finally a Social Security employee on the other end of the phone that you can talk with.


  1. Speaker phone is a lot cheaper. Just plan ahead to have something constructive to do while you are on hold.

  2. Why don't they let us enter our own 1695s? 9 of 10 times I call a D.O., it's because they haven't entered a 1695 I faxed. This would free the D.O up, reduce calls, and allow us to assure 1695s are entered. Also, give us edib access at initial and recon level, so we can see what evidence is missing and help update the medicals. Also give us access to screens that indicate posted earnings and prior claims info on our clients, and case status at initial and recon levels. Also let clients do all ssi apps online. These changes would eliminate 95% of rep. calls

  3. 4:43

    I think you mean 1696.And,yes, they frequently fail to enter this in the file.

    They also mess up the 1685 forms by entering the rep SSAN but forgetting to enter Taxpayer ID for firm. This results in misreporting the Taxable income to both the attorney and firm when 1099's are sent. Solution. Recognize that modern thing called a law firm but apparently too complicated for SSA.

  4. re 5:14 PM

    It's not that it's too complicated for SSA. It might be REALLY complicated for firms. What happens when an attorney or other employee does something that is grounds for suspension or disqualification? If the "firm" is responsible for the actions of the members do you sanction or disqualify every member of the firm? Can't just sanction or disqualify a "firm" since all that would happen is that it would be disbanded and a new one established. Figure out how that gets resolved and you would be a long way to getting what you keep saying you want.

  5. re: 645PM,

    Yeah, its coming--- at the rate SSA develops things, it'll only take another 10 years and still won't work half the time. The agency's software development processes are atrociously slow and inefficient.

    It doesn't help that the agency doesn't even understand how a lot of its old mainframe stuff even works anymore (which is the kind of thing that happens when you develop your own non-standard software in-house and don't bother to keep development documentation).

  6. These call and wait services aren't worth much. If you aren't on the line when an SSA phone agent (either via the national toll free number, or to a local SSA office) gets to you, the agent isn't going to wait for the service to call you back -- they'll just hang up and move on to the next caller.

  7. SSA employees were specifically directed to hang up when one of these services calls. The given reason was privacy security, but I'd guess they don't like the idea on its basis.

    Also lol at bitching about 1695s. Maybe if law firms would do their own goddamned accounting and let us just pay the law firm, and you divvy up the money like actual adults, we'd have more time to get some work done instead of adding one 1695 per day for every attorney on the case :rolleyes:

  8. 1:11 AM
    Maybe if law firms would do their own goddamned accounting and let us just pay the law firm, and you divvy up the money like actual adults, we'd have more time to get some work done instead of adding one 1695 per day for every attorney on the case :

    Amazing. It might almost seem that this SSA employee doesn't know that Reps have been begging SS to recognize law firms for years and that it was the SSA that refuses to do it. Maybe (hopefully) they were just being sarcastic.

  9. Reps aren't going to love being treated as a firm and not individuals when SSA starts doing what State Court judges do--"Ok, so you're unavailable. There are other lawyers in your firm, where are they? Prove that everyone in your firm is either on secured leave or before another tribunal and I'll give you that continuance/postponement"

  10. 9:32, many HOs are already doing this...

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