
Mar 21, 2017

Congressional Hearing On Rep Payees

     There will be another Congressional hearing tomorrow on representative payees at Social Security. 
     I'm a bit mystified. There have been no important developments concerning representative payees. There's no clear path to Social Security doing a better job with representative payees even if they had the manpower to do so, which they don't. It's messy. It's always been messy. It's going to remain messy. It's unlikely this will attract media attention or lead to significant legislation. What's the point of the hearing?


  1. Maybe they get a good lunch or some neat breakfast treat? I know I don't go to a meeting unless I am being fed.

  2. @2:05 PM this is my favorite comment of all the comments.

  3. The answer to me seems obvious: The representative payee subject is usually good for at least one headline.

    Sure it won't get wide media attention or gavel to gavel coverage. But by now we should all know by now that the worthless Congress operates from one headline to another. Nothing else matters.

  4. So let me get this straight. The U.S. House of Representatives, whose budget powers make it the body most responsible for the chronic under funding of the agency, is going to have a hearing on why SSA is having problems adequately monitoring representative payees? Remember all those proposals SSA gave you every year showing exactly how much funding was needed to handle the agency workload adequately? Remember all the votes you made to fund the agency at levels substantially below that? Yeah, there's your answer.

  5. You got it 8:10.

  6. I never understood why SSA did not accept "power of attorney "and then let the courts handle the abuse issues.
