
Mar 30, 2017

Was This Fake News Concocted In Russia?

    From the New Jersey Herald:
Widely circulated online reports crediting President Donald Trump for 2017 increases in retirees' Social Security checks don't accurately portray how the system works.
Social Security payments are based on a government measure of inflation, and are set automatically without any involvement of the White House. ...
Some of the online stories accurately use numbers from Social Security's website, showing that the 0.3 percent increase ...
But the figures are not, as one version said, Trump's "first move to fulfill his campaign promise" to protect Social Security.


  1. Fake & phony biased people who always talking trash about diversity are the worst. Welcome to SSA 2017!!!!!!!!

  2. What diversity???!!! Only maybe 1 percent Asian-Americans as token workforce of this dreadful abyss called SSA. They rarely get promoted and some were even demoted by Force?! Yes, it is a true story!!

  3. ahh the Putin/Garmon connection before they take over the world.

  4. Not only are they set based on the CPI-W, but this increase was announced in October 2016, before the election. Also, I don't think a 0.3% increase is going to make anyone that happy, especially since it will be swallowed up by Medicare increases for most people, so they will not see any more money.

    But this fake news is fine with me, since it reminds everyone of the promises to protect Social Security, making them harder to break.

  5. The 0.3% increase put $8 and some change in my pocket. Excuse me, but the rent increased by more than $8. Am I supposed to eat on fewer days?

  6. SSA is NOT a welcoming place for Muslims, Pacific Islanders, South Asians, and Far Easterners. There is a mentality of "taking care of our own". Hint, only the strong in poplulace would survived.

    1. As confirmed, the above is not fake news. My wife, an Asian-American, had first-hand experience with it all at ODAR in Boston. A dedicated group of anti-Asian civil servants. She finally quits and is very much relieved working at another agency.

  7. No fake news, homophobic racism and bigotry against foreign-born minority staff is Definitely going on at SSA and more active st certain regions like Kansa City, Dallas, Boston...

  8. Do not know much about Boston or KC Regionals, but I was told by a friend who used to work at the Dallas Regional Office that it is full of Social Security people who hold an open disdain for Asian-American employees. Not a hospitable environment at all to work at. What a darn shame!!

  9. Asian Exclusion Act and Internment...Practiced at a Regional OCREO Office near you!!!
