
Apr 11, 2017

Kenneth Nibali Passes

     Kenneth Nibali, formerly Associate Commissioner of the Office of Disability at Social Security, passed away on April 4. He was 69.


  1. Ha-ha, he didn't get to draw his benefits for long....

  2. Anonymous 2:42, your comment is really offensive.

  3. Well, isn't that what Social Security is all about, a PONZI scheme?


  4. 2:42 - your comment is really offensive and I hope Mr Hall deletes it.

    a problem with these open / anonymous blog postings is that really ignorant and snotty people get to put up garbage.

    and the truth is probably that Mr. Nibali - a fine civil servant - was able to collect his pension for years under the old CSRS system when he retired more than a dozen years ago.

  5. Ha-ha, if he collected his pension for years under the old CSRS system, then he probably didn't receive any SS benefits at all, now did he.

  6. Yes, to echo Anonymous 10:12, Ken was a very fine public servant. In addition to his 30 years at SSA, he volunteered at Habitat for Humanity; served as a Howard County elections judge; co-founded a children's book publisher, with his wife. He also volunteered for a National Academy of Social Insurance study panel on Medicare and Medicaid dual eligibles. A full life and a good one.

  7. Ken Nabaili went from a job at Montgomery Ward to SSA where his father was director of health insurance systems for SSA. It is noted in the obituary that when Ken Nabali started at SSA many of his family members were working at SSA.

    This demonstrates SSA’s disregard for nepotism regulations; viz., a federal government employee shall not engage in nepotism (i.e., hire, promote, or advocate the hiring or promotion of relatives). 5 U.S.C. § 2302(b)(7).
    Nepotism is an accepted practice at SSA nationwide with Kelly Croft and Mary Glenn Croft being recent examples at the Deputy Commissioner Level and Arthur Spencer and Melissa Spencer in Office of Disability Policy being examples at the Associate Commissioner Level. Nepotism is rife at SSA throughout all GS level jobs in hiring, promotion and treatment on the job. SSA OGC and OPM are totally uninterested in enforcing nepotism regulations at SSA.

  8. Nice, 9:49. I'll add one good one I know about.

    There's a paralegal specialist in an office in North Carolina who was hired off the street as a paralegal back in the 2008-2010 timeframe when ODAR was hiring so many attorneys off the street AFGE filed a huge grievance over it. They wanted inside paralegal promotions, obviously.

    Not only that, but this employee just completed the Atlanta leadership development program with barely five years experience only as a paralegal, a program usually filled with people much further in their careers. Since she received a one year promotion to GS-13 in that program, she is set up for GS-14 positions now, and I'm sure she will assume some GS-13 or GS-14 management position in the coming months.

    I'm sure neither occurrence has anything to do with the fact that her mother in law is a recently retired high grade official at the Atlanta regional ODAR office...

  9. I met him well over a decade ago as part of the Judge's meeting with ODAR management. First rate guy.

  10. @2:36 or it could be that she has more skills, better personality and is not a long term underperformer that has been with the agency for decades and never moved up because they lack skills and abilities to even adequately perform their own duties.

    Or she member of a secret society of reptile people that are secretly running the world to make humans the preferred food for the future invasion.

  11. Funny

    Her being the next incarnation of Christ wouldn't have had anything to do with one office getting an off the street paralegal hire when literally no other nearby or like any other offices period did, and that one office just so happened to be the one in the city where she lived. Folks in Atlanta that make those choices wouldn't know about non federal employee superstars in Fayetteville, lol.

    Keep being a nepotism apologist. You're probably her ;)

  12. Atlanta Regional Office is where ROCALJ Garmon ruled for many years. If there is one thing he is known for, it is openly disregarding Merit System Principles, repeated engagement in labor management and employee relations violations and getting away with it for many, many years. The nepotism examples, and the good ole boy, "I'll scratch your back if you'll scratch mine," as can be seen with the Paralegal Specialists mother referenced above, who had a high level position in the Atlanta Regional Office, whom Garmon undoubtedly knew well, fits right into the culture Garmon operated and engaged for so many years, and still has not been appropriately held accountable.

  13. As I am in agreement with the above, how could a person with such tyrannical traits be a FINE person??!! As praised by some other bloggers. Atlanta has always been right up there in terms of anti-employee hostilities. As follows by Boston, which is now in its worst shape with Linda Dorn as their Commissioners. This is definitely not a humanitarian of any kind there in that human being who now runs New England!

  14. I concur. Before my retirement, Nepotism was and still surely is extremely rampant in the Boston Area. The current Commissioner and all of of her Area Directors are now made it into a culture. What a bunch of corrupted bureaucrats!! Time to drain the swamp in Boston!!!!!!!!

  15. Another big problem in this country is we have lost any sense of respect and appropriate conduct especially when we can be anonymous and don't have to be courageous enough to claim our own behavior. Pay your respects or remain silent and save the snark for another time and place. Of course we are lucky enough at least for awhile to act like total assholes if we want but it says nothing good about us does it?

  16. The a...holes are the ones who are supportive of oppression, inequality in employees' advancent and workplace justice!

  17. In today's SSA world, the higher up they are, the worst the evil deeds they will inflict. None can be classified as Angels. One local SSA Office Manager in Western Mass. had even forced out an employee from her own nationality and country to make up room for her White husband, who was never considered by many to be fitted for any type promotion for more than several years and by many offices??!! Go figure?!
