
Apr 8, 2017

Wait Until Trump Hears About This -- Social Security Helping Foreigners Work In U.S.

     From the Cape Cod Times:
The Social Security Administration will have satellite locations set up in Orleans and Provincetown starting Wednesday to help J-1 and H-2B seasonal workers finalize their applications before they begin working at local businesses. ...   
“Seasonal workers must obtain a Social Security number before working in the United States, and the Cape Cod Chamber (of Commerce) has worked on behalf of its member businesses to implement special remote locations to assist with their overall business operations and the time it takes to travel to Hyannis to fulfill Social Security requirements,” a statement from the chamber says.


  1. Those who work out on the Cape are mostly Irish or otherwise white, so no big deal for Trump, etal

  2. We will always hear these stories of anti-foreigners until we're getting rid of the bastards at ODAR, the Regional and Area OCREO Offices cleansed of bigotracist jerks of all kinds there too as well!! They have never really meant to deliver "fairness and equal justice" to the workplaces!!

  3. Disunity in diversity, an American tragedy!

  4. The Muslims and Asians are now the Irish in the 1900s. It's not the best time to be them internally and externally at SSA. It is definitely ideally nowhere in the Boston area or the Cape, except, Harvard and MIT. This area, the land of Mark Walhberg and many freed Irish hypocrites was singled as the most "Racist" by SNL?! Go figure!!!

  5. The Irish DIDN'T have SS#'s in the early 1900's. As with THE many immigrants of the latter 1800's who came here through Ellis Island with severe vetting AND NOT VISA'S and didn't replace prior legal immigrants. There were no such thing as SS & the word entitlement only applies to those who never worked but get SSI for them and their families who come here the same way. Read the real difference in the 19th century immigration v what has been going here in the U.S. since 1986. Many Muslims and Asians and others are here that own many businesses that U.S. citizens could not get simply for the fact they weren't from other countries and didn't get to receive the many freebies, from SSI to free college, foo stamps, home & to business loans, all since the U.S. went Global. The American citizens have been pushed out in a myriad of ways, into poverty, erst the while the immigrants who come here get the benefits legal Americans worked for, all for foreign corporations profits and 21st century immigrants great entitlement but no one dares talks about what's really happened to the millions and millions of Americans who pay the bill and then are so cavalierly with scurrilous congressional activity been pushed out and replaced.Today's immigrants status and entitlements cannot be compared to the past immigrants because quite simply, the previous immigrants didn't have access to any entitlements because there were none. They worked for them along with their descendants who's benefits now go to those who expect entitlements and are given them free of charge. They were scourged but they were just happy to have come here with the clothes on their backs, all for the only expectation to come here for the opportunity to live in a free place.

  6. Being harassed, bullied, and discriminated is not freedom. Just like in the 1900s Irish, these people are hard workers, not slaves. They deserve to be treated better especially when working for an agency that solely responsible for social stability.

  7. Diversity = Caucasians + African-Americans + assimilated Hispanics. It will be that way for the next few decades!! The rest must united or fighting to reform the system by speaking up and honing government organizations just like the Irish did during and after the 1900s. SSA is not going to listen or wasting their HR efforts towards these minicule Minority employee groups until they do just that!!!

  8. As a member of the LGBT community and a current SSA employee, I thought it was a good suggestion above to MAN UP!! The leader of the Advisory Group APAAC must crank it up to be heard. Be serious about your rights and stand up!

  9. "Man up"? That's such an ironic comment in a conversation about diversity.

    Now that said - and I'm totally off-topic here - what "rights" do you think the LGBT community are not getting from SSA (and I'm speaking specifically of SSA, not the federal government in general)? I'm a part of that same community, and I never needed/expected anything from my employer (SSA) other than an opportunity to work hard, serve the public to the best of my ability, and receive fair compensation for my efforts. And I got all that and more - throughout my career I was treated fairly across the board. Though my sexual identity has been well-known during most of my employment, it was only once an issue (some stupid comments from a co-worker when I was young and not out). Yes, there's been an evolution in the benefits, due to changes in national laws, that have been beneficial. But I'm more curious about what specifically you want from SSA that you/this cohort feels like it isn't getting....

    All that said, helping to minimize the crowds in local FOs by consolidating legal enumeration efforts (SSA staff just follow the laws - they don't create them), seems like a positive for the rest of the public who need to talk with staff at an office. The idea is to make the process more efficient and streamlined. If these folks come into the office, wait times for other services could increase significantly.

  10. 3:47 well said!

  11. Well said?! Demeaning comment about another person's gender identity show how classless and discriminatory in mindset the majority of SSA employees are!?

  12. @10:20 Who said I work for SSA, you insult me by even saying such a thing. So your base assumption is flawed, and gives us insight into how you like to skew things to fit your position. And what was demeaning? you devalue the experience of someone other than you because it doesn't fit your agenda. Perhaps it is not the system that is biased, perhaps you are a jerk and get treated like a jerk. If you speak to people like you do on the blog, you bring it all on yourself.

  13. Does the new Acting Commish know the about this??!! What about her Regional Commishes??!! This agency seeming going down the drain in terms of hidden racial, ethnic and especially GENDER identities' problems...Shame on you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Looks like these SSA or whatever these people are, their superiority complex is overstated as compared to their Intellect. This agency might need to reform their hiring requirements or at the least, educational achievements.
