
Apr 9, 2017

Why Isn't The President's Photo Posted In Federal Offices?

     A newspaper in Wilmington, NC is asking why Donald Trump's picture isn't posted in federal offices, including Social Security, in that city. Is it some dark plot by Democrats? What I'm hearing is that it's not just Wilmington. The photos haven't yet been distributed. It hasn't been that long since Inauguration Day.
     By the way, whether it's a Democrat or a Republican in the White House, I don't see the point of posting the President's photo in federal offices. At best, it's a needless expense.


  1. Yep, the Obama/Biden pictures went away the Monday after inauguration, and all the ODAR's I've been to (Chicago/NW Indiana/SE Wisconsin) have no Trump pictures.

  2. I agree that this is a waste of taxpayer $. I suspect it dates from horse and buggy days when few people would know what a President looked like unless his portrait was hung in Federal buildings. In my opinion, Federal offices should hang a portrait of George Washington and leave it up permanently. It would save some money. (I kind feel the same way about seeing my Governor's picture every time I pick up a new road map).

  3. I would assume it is just delayed due to Trump/Pence being photo-ed. I'm not sure of the delay when Obama/Biden took office, but it might be comperable. It would be interesting to see what the delay in that case was.

  4. Charles did you post this "needless expense" opinion when Obama was in office? Probably not.

  5. Obama and Biden are still in our local ODAR office. The security guard said he was told that Trump has not yet issued his official photo, so that office decided to keep Obama. It makes me feel meloncholy every time I see them.

  6. Weird, they were pretty clear that we were to take down Barack and Uncle Joe's pictures on inauguration day. As for the delay, it's probably a combination of late sitting for the portraits and President Trump's failure to appoint so many important appointee management positions are various agencies. You have career people filling in for these absent political appointees, so their usual workloads suffer. Also, almost every agency that isn't actively feeding the war machine is understaffed, which was worsened by the freeze. In short, it's just going to take a little while.

  7. I work at the Regional Office in Philaldelphia. No Trump or SSA Director portraits yet. No matter who the president is, it's disrespectful to not be on top of this.

  8. The official portraits of President Trump and Vice President Pence are available and a simple google search will show that. This is simply a continuation of the ongoing temper tantrum because the ones with HER are upset she did not win. In PC4 we have a tattered and dirty flag hanging where Obama and Biden's portraits were. I never liked Obama but I never said he was not my president. I had to look at him and Biden everyday but somehow the overly sensitive bureaucrats cannot stand to look at their president's portrait. It's unacceptable. Especially today when we got an email from the acting commissioner about how President Trump's signing of the omnibus humongous debt-filled budget is increasing SSA funding and even allowing lifting the hiring freeze so the nepotism can continue. Career bureaucrats are simply a bunch of spoiled babies akin to the snowflakes on college campuses. Put up the portraits, it's a GSA regulation.

  9. PC1 in NY has yet to put up President TRUMP or VP PENCE let me know about other places in SSA. I find this disgusting. Like others have said I was not an Obama supporter but he was my President.

  10. No Trump portrait at any of the headquarter buildings in Woodlawn.

  11. I could not wait to see the new POTUS and VEEP haning on the wall @ Woodlawn. Now wonder what the delay is....

  12. Columbus ga no trump or pence up in our federal buildings. And its august.

  13. Batavia NY September 18th...10 months after the election. still no picture
