
May 14, 2017

New Acting Associate Commissioner For External Affairs

     From a recent announcement:
We are very pleased to announce that Social Security has a new Acting Associate Commissioner for External Affairs.
Robert (Bob) Patterson comes to Social Security with a wealth of experience in communications and public engagement.
He has served as Speechwriter and Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Children and Families with the Department of Health and Human Services, and Senior Speechwriter with the U.S. Small Business Administration. Most recently, Bob served as Vice President for Government Relations at the U.S. Business and Industry Council. His background also includes a wide range of experience in the private sector and academia as a policy expert, professor and op-ed contributor.


  1. Don't know him nor have I ever run into him but a google search shows he's an ideologue. Given the COPSS never really speaks politics about the programs, interesting to see how this works out.

  2. We need new faces, new ideas, and especially new persona to change things externally as it would impact internally. Changes are good for this agency and much needed from the top. Conflicts from within are bound to ignite soon should inequalities are repeatedly overlooked.

  3. I'm absolutely confident this administration will bring in just the right "new faces" and "new ideas" to improve the agency. What a joke. Full faith in an administration that sacks an FBI director who was in the middle of investigating them who apparently had overwhelming ground support within his own agency.

  4. Don't judge a person by their "Google search". Bob definitely doesn't come across as an ideologue. Really nice guy who is showing a clear willingness to listen and learn. And it's a plus that this isn't his first rodeo. The agency will be in good hands with more of his ilk.

  5. Slate, Jan. 11, 2019, about Mr. Patterson.
    Trump Official Once Complained That Using Condoms “Robs” Women of the “Remarkable Chemicals” in Semen

    Whack job.

  6. Haha I see what you did there. I assume Mr. Patterson is A-OK with IUDs and oral since the "remarkable chemicals" will still deliver. Was a strange kook

  7. He also believes that women should havenever been allowed to enter the work force. I guess he forgot about Rosie the Riveter. Women worked in factories to build planes to support men in WWII.
