
May 10, 2017

Social Security Wants Case Processing System For ODAR Pronto

     From a contracting notice posted by the Social Security Administration:
The Social Security Administration (SSA) is seeking a Case Management Software System inclusive of a correspondence system; scheduling system; invoicing system and a provider repository that will move cases along the Office of Disability and Adjudication Review’s (ODAR) business process to the closure of the case. The purpose of this RFI [Request for Information] is to identify potential vendors capable of providing a solution for this Case Management Software System....
The solution must be able to do the following: 
  • Be a commercial off the shelf (COTS) product; 
  • Be commercially available as of May 31, 2017;  ... 
Responses must be received by 12:00 noon EST on May 17, 2017. ...
     A response by May 17? Sounds like they already know what product they intend to buy. But how will an off the shelf product do everything they want it to do and work with Social Security's other systems?
     I'm probably wrong but what they're describing sounds a lot like the case management systems used by law firms. They're not going to use one of those, are they? One of those wouldn't be this scalable, would it? That wouldn't work with the agency's other systems, would it? But what other type of off the shelf system could it be?

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