
Jun 3, 2017

How Many Years Will This Add To His Sentence?


  1. stash your money right and you could disappear forever...

  2. It's really sad on 2 levels...1) That the greed (of him) only empowers those in power to again attack SSDI and 2) For the poor people who are actually disabled and represented by him, for their claims may be in jeopardy.

  3. The guy was a huge flight risk and facing major jail time. The sentencing judge dropped the ball by allowing him to remain free pending sentencing.

  4. Just one of the taxpayers-robbing crooks who got caught.

  5. If you look at a large enough group of people, you are going to find some crooks. That includes lawyers, journalists, priests, congressmen, judges, rich people and so on and so forth. How long will it be before some hypocrite uses Conn's example as a false justification to try and limit representation and/or cut disability benefits? I expect we will not have to wait too long to see.

  6. Yes, Conn is one person. The red flags were there, employees of ODAR reported him, other representatives complained, and no one moved. It's sad that this one person was allowed to go this far, and as 11:09 said, the ones who are really hurt are the disabled that he represented who are in danger of losing their benefits.

  7. If there is any one person who is singularly responsible for SSD practice becoming far more difficult over the past 5-6 years, it is a running tie between Mr. Conn and ALJ Daugherty.
