
Jun 27, 2017

It Keeps Getting Weirder

     Ned Pillersdorf is an attorney who lives and practices in the same area of Kentucky where Eric Conn used to live and practice but Pillersdorf is no friend of Eric Conn. He brought a class action lawsuit against Conn on behalf of Conn's former clients. He's also brought a class action lawsuit against Social Security on behalf of Conn's former clients whose benefits have been and are being cut off. Nevertheless, Eric Conn has decided to communicate with Pillersdorf. See below for a fax, apparently from Conn, received recently by Pillersdorf. Click on the image below to see it full size.


  1. holy moly that guy needs to lay off whatever it is he's on


  3. Much more important than the sweeping changes being proposed to the entitlement safety net. We should always follow the most sensational news and ignore the hard problems.

    Can we get a nice update on what Kardashian clan are not wearing today?

  4. Conn appears to have no remorse. His hatred over the two SSA/ODAR employees comes through loud and clear. He demeans them and their integrity every which way he can. Clearly, he places all the blame on these two very brave SSA/ ODAR employees, and intimates the only reason they blew the whistle was to save themselves because they were "bad employees," the worst SSA/ODAR has ever had. Conn's obsession over these two women is eerie and somewhat scary, in my opinion.

  5. Conn is really low. Now he says he has no love for Dr. Atkins whose life he ruined by drawing him into his scheme. I don't know about one of those employees mentioned in the letter, but Jamie and another employee were good employees with positive evaluations until they started questioning how Conn's cases got assigned so quickly and all went to Daugherty ahead of other cases in the rotation. This has been a nice side entertainment like reading a Grisham short story, but 11:12, you are right. We are looking at major devastation for many of the people we serve.
    As a country, we will be judged by how we care for those who are the least among us.
